Lottie Moss had to rush to the hospital after accidentally taking too much Ozempic. The model shared that she experienced severe side effects from the drug, even though she only weighs about 9 stone.

Lottie Moss had to go to the hospital after taking too much Ozempic, which a friend had obtained from a doctor without a prescription.

The 26-year-old model became very ill, having a seizure and severe dehydration, even though she weighed about 60kg (9 stone). She said she would rather “die” than use Ozempic again. The drug is intended for people with obesity or diabetes and is currently in short supply worldwide.

Lottie Moss’s sister is Kate Moss, a famous supermodel known for her slim figure in the 1990s and her famous quote, “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”

Lottie described her seizure, which happened because of severe dehydration, as one of the scariest things she’s ever experienced. She said her face and hands clenching up was terrifying.

She mentioned that she wished she had known more before using Ozempic, and her weight dropped to around 53kg in a few weeks. After seeing doctors, she learned that the dosage she was using was meant for someone weighing at least 100 kilos, which is almost double her weight.

Lottie Moss has admitted to taking Ozempic and says she would rather ‘die’ than use it again

The model had a seizure during an emergency trip to the hospital after she took a high dosage of the weight loss drug for two weeks, causing her to be violently ill
She has now spoken out about her experience as a warning to anyone considering using Ozempic, which she describes as seriously ‘dangerous’

Lottie Moss explained that a few months ago, she wasn’t happy with her weight and had a friend who could get her Ozempic, but not through a proper medical channel. She didn’t go to a doctor for a proper prescription, check-ups, or tests, which are necessary when using a medication like Ozempic.

She said, “It’s a medication, and it’s dangerous. It’s meant for people with much larger body sizes. The dose I was using was for people who weigh 100 kilos or more, while I was in the 50s range.”

Lottie wished she had known more before taking it and now regrets her decision. She injected it into her leg and said it was the worst choice she ever made.

She shared a warning to others, saying, “If you’re thinking about taking it, don’t. It’s not worth it.”

On her podcast, Dream On, Lottie described the severe side effects she experienced, such as vomiting, a loss of color in her face, and a dramatic drop in weight. Before taking Ozempic, she weighed around 60 kilos, dropped to 57 kilos after the first dose, and reached a low of 53 kilos, which is just over eight stone.

The OnlyFans star described the severe side effects she suffered as a result of taking the drug such as vomiting, losing the colour in her face, and dramatically dropping in weight
Speaking on her podcast, Lottie said she weighed approximately 60 kilos before she dropped to 57 following her first dose and was 53 kilos at her lowest, which is just over eight stone
Lottie’s relationship with Kate became fractured after she started to model for OnlyFans but they have recently rekindled, celebrating their father’s 80th birthday together last week

Lottie Moss said she would rather not take Ozempic again, as it made her feel extremely nauseous.

She used it for two weeks, taking injections with a pen. Each week she had to take a new dose, and she felt sicker than she ever had before. She started with a lower dose but moved to a higher one, and ended up being bedridden for two days because she felt so ill and lost weight rapidly.

She began at about 60 kilos and dropped to 57 with the first dose, then to 54, and her lowest weight was 53 kilos. She described this rapid weight loss as unhealthy.

During those two days in bed, she wanted to stop taking the medication, but since it’s not like a pill you can just skip, it was already in her system and hard to stop. She even told her friend she couldn’t keep any food or water down and needed to go to the hospital because she felt so sick.

After being rushed to the emergency room, Lottie had a seizure because of severe dehydration. She described the experience as “horrible,” with her close friend having to hold her feet down while she contorted on the hospital floor.

Lottie, known from Celebs Go Dating, said the nurse was shocked when she learned the high dose of Ozempic Lottie had been taking and how much weight she had lost in just a short time.

She explained, “We went to the ER at 3 a.m., and when we told the nurse about the dose I was taking, she was horrified and said it was far too much. She also asked about my weight loss, and when I told her, she sent me straight to the emergency room, where I was wheeled through the hospital.”

Lottie added that she felt extremely sick and almost passed out when she went to the bathroom. Once she was in the examination room, she had a seizure due to dehydration, which she described as one of the scariest experiences of her life. Her friend Reece had to hold her feet down, and she felt her body and hands clenching up uncontrollably, making the situation terrifying and painful.

In her 90s heyday, Kate became the poster girl for ‘heroin chic’ due to her slim figure and her phrase ‘nothing tastes as good as skinny feels’, which she now regrets
Now Lottie has said following the rise of Ozempic, which has been popularised by celebrities, ‘heroin chic’ is making an alarming comeback, which needs to be stopped in its tracks

Lottie has talked before about how difficult it was growing up in the “toxic” fashion industry and her time in rehab for drug addiction.

She started modeling at 16 after being discovered when she was 13. She said she always felt like she was living in the shadow of her sister, Kate.

Lottie Moss has shared that she faced harsh criticism for eating on set during fashion shoots and was told by her modeling agency that she needed a 23-inch waist to walk in runway shows. She was traumatized by comments about her body and being called names like “the ham and cheese sandwich girl.” She feels lucky not to have developed an eating disorder.

Kate Moss, Lottie’s sister, was known in the 90s for the “heroin chic” look, which emphasized being extremely thin. She now regrets the phrase “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” and has talked about the negative comments she received from parents about their daughters having eating disorders.

Lottie believes that with the rise of Ozempic, a drug popularized by celebrities for weight loss, the harmful “heroin chic” trend is making a troubling comeback. She wants to use her experience to warn others, saying that Ozempic is meant for diabetes, not weight loss.

Lottie expressed concern that the media’s focus on extreme weight loss is harmful, especially for people with eating disorders or those struggling with their weight. She noted that the body positivity movement, which celebrated diverse body types and curvier figures, seems to be disappearing in favor of the old “heroin chic” trend. She encourages everyone to appreciate their body as it is and avoid extreme measures that could harm their health.

My daughter and Son In Law shamed me for getting a tattoo at 75. I decided to give them a lesson

It was a sunny morning in New Orleans, and Elis, at 75, decided to do something bold and unexpected. The idea of getting a tattoo had been bubbling in her mind for a while. She wanted to feel young again, to embrace life with a fresh sense of vigor. So, she walked into a tattoo parlor, chose a delicate design that symbolized her resilience and love for life, and got inked. She felt a rush of excitement and satisfaction as she admired the artwork on her arm. This was her statement to the world: age was just a number.

The Unexpected Backlash

Excited to share her new tattoo, Elis invited her family over for a small gathering. She imagined their surprise and hoped for a positive reaction. However, the moment her daughter saw the tattoo, her face twisted in disapproval.“Mom, what on earth were you thinking?” she exclaimed. “At your age, getting a tattoo is not just inappropriate, it’s downright embarrassing. You’re supposed to be a dignified grandmother, not some rebellious teenager. It looks ridiculous, and people will laugh at you.”For Illustrative Purpose OnlyElis felt a pang of hurt, but what followed was even worse. Her son-in-law, whom she had always treated like her own son, burst into uncontrollable laughter. He laughed so hard that he could barely stand, tears streaming down his face.“That’s hilarious, Mom! Seriously, a tattoo at your age?” he managed to say between fits of laughter. Elis’s heart sank. It wasn’t just the words; it was the cruel mockery that hurt the most. She felt humiliated and deeply wounded by their reactions.

Planning the Perfect Payback

Determined not to let their harsh words and laughter define her, Elis decided to turn her pain into power. She recalled how her son-in-law, a man who did nothing but dream of becoming a millionaire while relying on her daughter for everything, had hurt her deeply. This was the final straw. Elis resolved to teach him a lesson he would never forget.Over the next two days, Elis meticulously planned her revenge. She decided to expose her son-in-law’s laziness and lack of ambition in a way that would be both humiliating and eye-opening for him. She reached out to a few of her friends who were skilled in various trades, including one who was an excellent actor.

The Day of Reckoning

Two days later, Elis put her plan into action. She invited her family over again, this time under the pretense of needing help with some household repairs. Her son-in-law, always looking for an excuse to avoid real work, reluctantly agreed to come.When they arrived, they found Elis waiting with a toolbox and a list of chores that needed to be done. She handed the list to her son-in-law, who looked bewildered.“What’s this?” he asked, confused.“I thought you could help out with these tasks,” Elis said sweetly. “After all, you’re always talking about how handy you are.”For Illustrative Purpose OnlyHe glanced at the list, which included tasks like fixing the leaky faucet, repairing a broken fence, and rewiring a lamp. He looked around, realizing there was no way he could do any of these tasks.Just as he was about to protest, Elis’s friend, the actor, arrived dressed as a professional contractor. He introduced himself and began to demonstrate how to tackle each task, making it look easy. The son-in-law watched, flustered and embarrassed, as he fumbled with the tools, unable to keep up.

A Lesson Learned

As the day progressed, – it became clear that the son-in-law was utterly incapable of completing even the simplest tasks. Elis watched with a mixture of satisfaction and pity. Her daughter, seeing her husband’s incompetence, began to realize how much she had been enabling his laziness.Elis’s plan worked perfectly. By the end of the day, her son-in-law was exhausted, humiliated, and forced to confront his lack of practical skills. Elis pulled him aside and, with a calm but firm voice, said, “You laughed at me for wanting to feel young and alive again. But look at you now. Maybe it’s time you grew up and started taking responsibility for your life.”Her words struck a chord. The son-in-law, humbled by the experience, apologized for his behavior. He promised to make a real effort to improve and become more self-reliant. Elis accepted his apology but made it clear that she would not tolerate any more disrespect.

Moving Forward –In the weeks that followed, Elis noticed a change in her son-in-law. He began taking on more responsibilities and actively sought to better himself. Her daughter, too, started to appreciate her mother’s strength and independence.As for Elis, she continued to embrace life with the same youthful spirit that led her to get the tattoo. She joined a local fitness class, started attending social events, and even began dating again. She proved to herself and everyone around her that age was no barrier to living life to the fullest.Elis’s bold step had not only rejuvenated her spirit but also brought about a much-needed change in her family. And every time she looked at her tattoo, she smiled, reminded of the strength and courage it took to stand up for herself and teach a valuable lesson in the process.

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