The Scene Where Archie Bunker Defends The National Anthem Is Going Viral 50 Years Later

Archie Bunker most certainly was a memorable television character. For years, he appeared as a star of “All in the Family” and struck a chord with millions of Americans who felt they could relate to Bunker’s views on being an American.The show described Bunker as a hard-working American man who previously served in the armed forces, which explains why he was unwilling to stand by and let another man belittle the Star-Spangled Banner and be disrespectful toward it and all it stood for.
Bunker loved being patriotic and never worried about his political incorrectness. Although some of his comments have not aged well considering the “woke” revolution overtaking America these days, Bunker’s stance in favor of the national anthem continues to speak to millions of Americans who continue to put their pride in America before all else.During this clip, Bunker was watching television with his son-in-law, Meathead. While the national anthem was being played ahead of a sports event, Meathead complained about the anthem and said that it was not a very good song because it glorified the horrors of war.
Although modern-day critics of the national anthem claim it is racist against Black, brown, and indigenous people of color, Meathead was taking a stance against the anthem because it was written during the War of 1812 between the fledgling United States of America and Great Britain.
While Meathead shared his criticism of the anthem, Archie Bunker quickly came to its defense.
“That is one terrible song,” Meathead complains to his father-in-law. Bunker cannot believe his ears and lets his son-in-law know as much. He turns his gaze to Meathead with his eyes popping out of his head in shock at what he just heard come out of his son-in-law’s mouth.Don’t start up nothing with me, Meathead. I’m watching the game. That’s a beautiful song, and shut your face.” Bunker’s blunt attack gets Meathead riled up. He shifts in his chair and prepares to counter Bunker’s statement with one of his own invention.
“Huh? The song glorifies war, and even as a song, it stinks. Nobody can remember the words.”
“You’re going to ruin this game for me?” Bunker lashed back.

“Can you remember the words?”
“Certainly I can!” Bunker shouts.
Meathead then challenges the patriotic Archie Bunker to sing the first few lines of the national anthem. What happens next will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Meathead doubles down and refuses to put the game back on until Bunker recites the words of the anthem. Although he recites his lines with gusto, Meathead is the one who gets the pleasure of telling Bunker he is “wrong!” Dozens of people commented on this delightfully funny clip from All in the Family on the YouTube video included below.
“Talk about picking battles. Mike just couldn’t shut up and let Archie enjoy his football game, including the national anthem. Go, Archie!”

My Stepmom Wore a White Dress to My Wedding, Claiming She “Deserves Attention Too”, My Husband Showed Her a Lesson She Won’t Forget

When Alexandra’s stepmother, Linda, showed up at her wedding in a white dress, demanding attention, Alexandra knew drama was coming. However, her husband Tom had a clever plan to shift the focus back to the special day. Linda was busy arranging flowers for the wedding, insisting that everything needed to be perfect. Alexandra watched from the dining table, sipping tea and trying to stay calm, while her father praised Linda’s skills.

Linda entered Alexandra’s life when she was ten, after her mother passed away. Since then, she had always enjoyed being the center of attention. As she fussed over the flowers with dramatic flair, Alexandra couldn’t help but worry about what Linda might do at the wedding. Despite her excitement about the big day, Alexandra felt anxious about Linda stealing the spotlight, just like she had on past birthdays and holidays. Trying to distract herself, she asked her dad about the wedding, but Linda quickly jumped in, reminding everyone how important this day was.

As Alexandra met her best friend Sarah at the wedding planner’s office, she revealed her worries. Sarah, noticing Alexandra’s distress, reassured her that everything would be fine. However, the planner, Grace, informed them that Linda insisted on sitting in the front row and giving a speech. This was not traditional, as those spots were usually reserved for the bride’s parents. Alexandra felt frustration bubbling up, knowing Linda would make the day about herself. They discussed ways to address the situation, including having someone else give a speech in honor of Alexandra’s mother.

After meeting with Grace, Alexandra returned home to share her concerns with Tom. She expressed her fear that Linda would overshadow the wedding. Tom comforted her, assuring her they would handle it together. On the wedding day, while preparing, Sarah rushed in, pale and panicked, to tell Alexandra that Linda had arrived in a full-length white wedding dress. Alexandra was furious and confronted Linda, who unapologetically claimed it was her moment to shine.

Tom urged Alexandra to trust him, and the ceremony began with Linda sitting in the front row, soaking up the attention. As Alexandra tried to focus on her vows, she couldn’t ignore Linda’s smug expression. When it was time for speeches, Alexandra felt tense. Just as Linda stood to speak, Tom took the microphone and presented a video tribute to Alexandra’s late mother. The room filled with heartfelt memories, and Linda’s confidence began to fade.

After the tribute, Tom invited Linda on stage, claiming they wanted to celebrate her too. But as he played a slideshow, it quickly turned embarrassing for Linda. It included footage of her sneaking into Alexandra’s bridal suite earlier, trying on her veil and twirling with the bouquet. The crowd gasped, and then Tom played a recording of Linda on the phone, bragging about her plan to outshine Alexandra. Shocked murmurs filled the room, and Linda’s face turned crimson.

Tom then introduced Linda’s ex-husband, who shared stories of her past antics. Humiliated, Linda slipped out of the hall as Tom and Alexandra exchanged knowing smiles. They had turned the day back to what it was meant to be, a celebration of love and memory, not about Linda. Have you ever had to stand up to someone at your wedding?

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