A tiny baby, who was kept in a sandwich bag for safety, is finally going home.

The parents of a baby named Robyn, who was born very tiny at just 11 ounces (328 grams), have finally brought her home after 18 months in the hospital.

Robyn was born five months early in March 2023 at Grange Hospital in Cwmbran, Torfaen, and she still needs special care all the time. Her parents, Chantelle (34) and Daniel (38) from Malpas, Newport, are raising money for her treatment. Chantelle said, “It’s like a dream come true to have Robyn home.”

Robyn was born at just 23 weeks and 2 days and was so tiny that she could fit in the palm of a hand. To keep her organs warm while she grew, she was kept in a sandwich bag.

After six months in the hospital, she spent another seven months in the pediatric intensive care unit at Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital in Cardiff. She then returned to Grange Hospital until she was finally discharged in September.

Chantelle, who works part-time as an accountant, said, “It’s just so nice to do normal family things… and just all be together under one roof.”

Daniel, a self-employed bricklayer, mentioned that it’s much less chaotic at home now. He has had to cut back on work to focus on taking care of his daughter.

Robyn was kept in a sandwich bag after her birth, and she is now 18 months old

Robyn gets oxygen and nutrition through tubes in her nose and mouth, and her vital signs are watched all the time. She takes 30 doses of medication each day.

Her mom, Chantelle, explained, “She can’t cough, so we have to suction her mouth and nose throughout the day when she needs it.”

Daniel described Robyn as doing well and enjoying the “peace” of being at home. He added that they do a lot of physical therapy and play with her to help her senses.

Daniel and Chantelle were with their baby daughter 24/7 while she was in hospital

Chantelle said it was tough to bond with Robyn in the busy hospital ward, with doctors and nurses always coming in and out.

“All you can do is sit next to her and watch,” she explained, “keeping an eye on the numbers on the screen and hoping she will be okay.”

“When Robyn was born, we weren’t sure if she would survive.

“As time went on, she grew bigger and stronger, but she still faced many problems. It became clear that her brain damage would have a big impact on her.”

‘We know nothing is impossible’

“We didn’t learn about her brain damage until about six months after she was born,” Daniel said.

“You have all these plans for how life will be, and then everything changes,” he added.

“But we try to stay positive.

“We know that nothing is impossible for Robyn because she has been told so many times that she wouldn’t be able to do things or even survive, but she keeps proving everyone wrong.

“She’s full of surprises, and I believe she will create her own story.”

The tattooed “Black Alien” has difficulty finding work because of his appearance, see what he looked like before

Anthony claims that despite making significant changes, including removing his upper lip earlier this year, he feels he has only achieved 34 percent of his transformation goals.

For over a decade, Anthony has been engaging in extreme body modifications and taking risks, such as getting eyeball tattoos that temporarily compromise his vision. His quest for an extraordinary look led him to have both ears removed and his tongue surgically split.

To achieve his desired changes, Anthony has traveled the world and undergone medical procedures in countries where such changes are prohibited in France. Last year, he traveled to Spain to have his nose surgically removed. His face now has structured, defined lines, thanks to dermal implants that accentuate his cheekbones.

With a remarkable Instagram following of 718,000 under the pseudonym Black Alien Project, Anthony continues to captivate audiences with his tireless efforts to transform his appearance.

In a recent post, Anthony showed off his latest modification, a surgically altered “alien claw” with a fresh scar. He captioned the image, “Cultivating my inner peace.” His bold changes often elicit mixed reactions; some admire his bravery, others are skeptical.

One commenter described Anthony’s transformation as both disturbing and fascinating, expressing admiration despite not being able to take such a path himself. Another congratulated him on his progress, calling it “incredibly wonderful.”

Conversely, some critics oppose it, arguing that his modifications show a lack of respect for those who have lost limbs and are looking for ways to adapt.

Despite the mixed feedback, Anthony remains committed to his transformation journey, a passion he has had since his youth. In a 2017 interview with French newspaper Midi Libre, he shared: “During my time as a security guard, I realized that I was not living the life I wanted. At 24, I made the brave decision to leave everything behind and travel to Australia. It has become second nature for me to constantly keep an eye on and plan my future steps.”

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