How Indian Women Manage To Preserve Their Beauty Long After Their Youth

The lifestyle of Indian women is established at a young age. They have their own way of keeping their beauty natural and healthy, having learned it as kids. With their organic foods and positive beliefs, they are full of knowledge about natural beauty and what helps to bring out the best in the body to look youthful at any age.

Here at Bright Side, we learned how Indian women preserve their beauty long after their youth, and we’re rushing to share their secrets with all of you.

Their local food plays a big part in staying young.

Spices, which are prevalent in Indian cuisine, have several beneficial effects on our health, including anti-aging properties. Most specifically, chili peppers may decrease changes that happen in skin cells over time, while ginger may prevent age spots.

Certain natural ingredients help boost their skincare.

An important part of their skincare is turmeric, an anti-inflammatory that’s said to be beneficial for skin health and to help grant users a natural glow. It can also possibly help with psoriasis and acne scarring.

They believe beauty starts from the inside.

Stress can take a huge toll on the person’s aging process. Not only does it compromise our bodies from within, but also leaves marks on our faces in the form of wrinkles. One way of dealing with anxiety is meditation. India is one of the oldest countries that practice meditation, which may help women fight stress and, as a result, preserve their youth.

They use a lot of organic hair products.

Hair-oiling, or massaging oil into hair, is a traditional practice for women in India that typically starts when girls are very young. Different oils can be used, like coconut, sesame, or castor oil. The latter is especially helpful as it contains omega-6 fatty acids. Amla, an Indian gooseberry, is also used in the belief it treats hair loss.

Have you ever tried any of the above? Do you have any other beauty tricks of your own? Share them with us in the comments.

Please note: This article was updated in June 2021 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.

Preview photo credit Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty ImagesHindustan Times/Hindustan Times/Getty Images

What is The Orange Dot at the Top of My iPhone?

If you’ve ever noticed a tiny orange dot in the top corner of your iPhone screen, you’ve probably wondered what it symbolizes. This strange dot, which appears to be innocuous but is actually quite concerning, has perplexed and alarmed many users.

`The rumor mill has produced tales about this dot being an indication that someone is secretly listening in on your talks, sending shivers down your spine and prompting concern. However, the truth is not as ominous as the misconceptions spreading on social media would have you assume.

With the release of iOS 14, Apple added these colored indicators as a security feature. The orange dot indicates that an app is now using your iPhone’s microphone. Similarly, its green equivalent denotes an app that uses either the camera or both the camera and microphone functions.

When to Worry (And When Not To)

Contrary to popular belief, the presence of an orange dot does not necessarily indicate that someone is listening in on your talks. Instead, it merely refers to a program that uses the microphone. It could be a social media site or chat app that needs access to the microphone to function properly.

If the orange dot makes you anxious, you may control app permissions on your iPhone. Go to Settings, then Privacy and Security, and finally Microphone. From there, you can select which apps can access your microphone and withdraw permissions for those you are unhappy with.

Managing iPhone’s Orange Dot

When that tiny orange dot appears, here’s how you can take control of your iPhone’s privacy:

Step 1: Investigate the culprit
Swipe down from the upper right corner of your screen to reach the Command Center. If an app recently used your microphone, a notification will show on top. Tap it to reveal the app responsible for the dot.

Step 2: Take Control in the Settings
If you locate an app to which you are uncomfortable providing microphone access, it is time to change. Navigate to iPhone Settings, then Privacy, then finally Microphone. You can evaluate which apps have requested access to your microphone and adjust permissions accordingly.

Step 3: Adjusting the Accessibility Settings
For individuals who find the orange dot bothersome or confusing, there is an option to change its look to a square. Navigate to Settings, select Accessibility, and then Display & Text Size. To transform the orange dot into a square shape, toggle on “Differentiate Without Color”.

Extra iPhone Measures for Peace of Mind

Remember, it’s not just about the orange dot; it’s about being comfortable with how your apps use your device’s functionality. If you’re concerned about camera access, the green dot, or general app permissions, repeat the procedures in Privacy settings to control access to your camera and other features.

Ultimately, your iPhone gives you control over app permissions. You have the authority to authorize or refuse access to any data gathering device, including the microphone and camera.

The presence of an orange dot on your iPhone is not reason for alarm. With an understanding of its significance and the ability to change app permissions, you can confidently traverse your device’s privacy landscape.

Understanding the orange dot’s purpose allows you to make more educated decisions about your privacy settings. It is not a hint of impending danger, but rather a warning that an app is accessing your microphone. By remaining aware and maintaining your app permissions, you can maintain control over your iPhone’s privacy and use it confidently.

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