Vegan Girlfriend’s Shocking Demand: Boyfriend Must Choose Between Her and His Cat!

When people fall in love, they often make big changes for each other. They might quit bad habits, eat differently, or dress better. But when it comes to pets, things can get tricky.

A 22-year-old man shared his problem on Reddit. His girlfriend of seven months told him he had to choose: give up his cat, Mittens, or end their relationship.

His girlfriend is a dedicated vegan and believes that having a cat goes against her values.

He explained in his post: “I’ve been dating my girlfriend for seven months. She’s amazing, and we get along great in many ways. She’s a strong vegan and told me early on that she wants her partner to share her cruelty-free lifestyle. Since I was already a pescatarian, it wasn’t hard for me to switch to a plant-based diet. She was proud of me for going cruelty-free, and we became known as ‘the vegan couple’ on our college campus.”

Vegan Girlfriend’s Shocking Demand: Boyfriend Must Choose Between Her and His Cat!

When people fall in love, they often make big changes for each other. They might quit bad habits, eat differently, or dress better. But when it comes to pets, things can get tricky.

A 22-year-old man shared his problem on Reddit. His girlfriend of seven months told him he had to choose: give up his cat, Mittens, or end their relationship.

His girlfriend is a dedicated vegan and believes that having a cat goes against her values.

He explained in his post: “I’ve been dating my girlfriend for seven months. She’s amazing, and we get along great in many ways. She’s a strong vegan and told me early on that she wants her partner to share her cruelty-free lifestyle. Since I was already a pescatarian, it wasn’t hard for me to switch to a plant-based diet. She was proud of me for going cruelty-free, and we became known as ‘the vegan couple’ on our college campus.”


However, the issue of his cat, Mittens, was always in the background. “I’ve had her for three years and I love her. She’s so sweet and cuddly. But my girlfriend was always a bit nervous around her, saying it was because she didn’t grow up with cats. So, we kind of agreed to hang out at her place more, and we didn’t really talk about Mittens again.”

Their relationship grew stronger during the pandemic, and they started talking about moving in together. This led to a serious conversation where his girlfriend surprised him by saying she couldn’t see a future with him unless he gave up Mittens. She believed owning a cat went against vegan principles because cats hunt and eat meat.

“I was shocked,” he wrote. “I told her there was no way I would give up Mittens. I explained that I was doing my best to minimize harm by buying reputable cat food. Many vegans own cats and feel the same way. But my girlfriend got angry and asked, ‘How much meat does your cat eat? How many animals died to make that food? Would you be okay if it was human meat?’”

Frustrated, he left her apartment and went home to cuddle with Mittens. Later, his girlfriend sent him a link to a Reddit thread about why domestic cats should go extinct.

He ended his post by saying: “I’m not going to get rid of my cat. But it hurts to think our otherwise great relationship might end because of this. I don’t really get where she’s coming from, because lots of vegans own cats.”

Credit: Imgur.

In a subsequent update on r/relationship_advice, he clarified that his girlfriend’s extreme views on domestic cats were not representative of the vegan/vegetarian community as a whole. “I do think that, sometimes, new vegans can be a little overzealous. In reality, most of us are just doing the best that we can to not hurt animals!”

He also revealed that they had broken up. “I would never, ever give up my cat Mittens,” he said. Reflecting on the situation, he admitted: “Many users said that this situation was about control, not veganism, and looking back, I do see a pattern of control on my girlfriend’s part.”

Ultimately, he decided that parting ways was the best decision given the issues in their relationship. Would you have done the same in this situation?

Single Father of Two Daughters Wakes Up to Make Breakfast, Discovers It’s Already Prepared

As a single dad juggling work and two young daughters, Jack never expected to find a stranger’s homemade pancakes on his kitchen table one morning. When he discovers the mysterious benefactor, her shocking story of hardship and gratitude changes his life forever, forging an unexpected bond between them.

Being a single dad to two little girls, Emma, who was 4, and Lily, who was 5, was the hardest job I ever had. My wife left us to travel the world, and now it was just me and the girls. I loved them more than anything, but balancing work, cooking, and taking care of everything at home left me exhausted.

Every morning, I woke up early. First, I went to wake the girls.

“Emma, Lily, time to get up!” I called softly, opening their bedroom door.

Lily rubbed her eyes and sat up. “Good morning, Daddy,” she said, yawning.

Emma, still half asleep, mumbled, “I don’t want to get up.”

I smiled. “Come on, sweetie. We have to get ready for daycare.”

I helped them get dressed. Lily picked her favorite dress, the one with the flowers, while Emma chose her pink shirt and jeans. Once they were dressed, we all headed downstairs.

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. The plan was simple: oatmeal with milk. But when I entered the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks. There, on the table, were three plates of freshly made pancakes with jam and fruit.

“Girls, did you see this?” I asked, puzzled.

Lily’s eyes widened. “Wow, pancakes! Did you make them, Daddy?”

I shook my head. “No, I didn’t. Maybe Aunt Sarah stopped by early.”

I picked up my phone and called my sister, Sarah.

“Hey, Sarah, did you come by this morning?” I asked as soon as she picked up.

“No, why?” Sarah sounded confused.

“Never mind, it’s nothing,” I said, hanging up. I checked the doors and windows, but everything was locked. There was no sign of anyone breaking in.

“Is it safe to eat, Daddy?” Emma asked, looking at the pancakes with big eyes.

I decided to taste them first. They were delicious and seemed perfectly fine. “I think it’s okay. Let’s eat,” I said.

The girls cheered and dug into their breakfast. I couldn’t stop thinking about who could have made the pancakes. It was strange, but I decided to let it go for now. I had to get to work.

After breakfast, I dropped Emma and Lily off at daycare. “Have a good day, my loves,” I said, kissing them goodbye.

At work, I couldn’t focus. My mind kept going back to the mysterious pancakes. Who could have done it? Why? When I returned home that evening, I got another surprise. The lawn, which I hadn’t had time to mow, was neatly cut.

I stood in my yard, scratching my head. “This is getting weird,” I muttered to myself. I checked the house again, but everything was in order.

The next morning, I decided to find out who was helping me. I got up earlier than usual and hid in the kitchen, peeking through a small gap in the door. At 6 a.m., I saw a woman climb in through the window.

She was wearing old postal worker clothes. I watched as she started washing the dishes from the night before. She then pulled out some cottage cheese from her bag and began making pancakes.

My stomach growled loudly. The woman turned around, startled. She quickly turned off the gas and ran towards the window.

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