Meet Nyakim Gatwec, A Model That Was Dubbed ‘Queen Of The Dark’

The woman was shocked when her Uber driver uninvitedly offered advise on how to take care of her beautiful skin.

The “Queen of the Dark,” as the fashion diva was affectionately called, laughed off his comments and embraced her breathtaking beauty.

Continue reading to find out what this Uber driver said her and how she utilized it as a teaching moment!

Nyakim Gatwech, who spent her early years in refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya, thought that living in America would “be like heaven.”

But when Gatwech moved to Buffalo at the age of 14, she stayed by herself a lot, crying over comments made about her very dark skin tone.

“You don’t wash your hair. Because of this, your skin is filthy.Or, “Nyakim, smile so we can see you. You are invisible to us. You have dirty skin as a result. Or grin for us to see you, Nyakim. We cannot see you.

In class, for example, the instructor might ask a question and say, “Oh, Nyakim, can you answer that?””How about a toddler asking, “Who are you talking to?”? We cannot see her. She’s not here. The now 31-year-old woman says, “I would just cry, and the whole class would start laughing,” as reported by Cosmopolitan.

The innocent young girl just wanted to fit in, but it was difficult when random people were speculating about whether or not she was indeed that dark-skinned and whether or not she was wearing leggings.

I did think about [bleaching my skin] at one time. I was 14 years old when I fled an African refugee camp and moved to Buffalo, New York. The beauty admits, “After being teased [about my skin], I would cry myself to sleep.””So many stunning Sudanese women with dark skin tones bleach their skin.”

The model continued by saying that her own sister was one of the Sudanese ladies who had bleached her skin.”It was my own sister.” However, after a few months of living in America, I told her that I wanted to, and she said no. I will not allow my kid, you, or anyone else to do it.

Dark Queen

The woman, who has encountered prejudice from makeup artists, designers, and other models, is now referred to as the Queen of the Dark and feels strong since she has triumphed over the criticism.

Additionally, Gatwech’s 962,000 dedicated Instagram fans encourage her self-assurance and amazing fondness for her deep chocolate skin tone.

“My chocolate is sophisticated. Thus, I stand for this. A country of fighters,” she writes in one of her posts.

And the incredibly beautiful woman’s admirers can’t get enough of her.

One fan writes, “Omgggggg I love your skin and melanin,” while another exclaims, “I love your beautiful skin tone so much!” God creates exquisite things like you to serve as a constant reminder of His majesty.

In response to the tremendous outpouring of love, Gatwech adds, “I learned to love myself.I’m not troubled by the negative anymore. I love and embrace my skin, and I no longer feel insecure about it. I no longer believe I’m ugly. I am confident in who I am.

“The silliest queries”

Speaking about her odd skin, Gatwech recounts about meeting an Uber driver a few years ago who asked if she would ever consider whitening it.

“Oh, you’re dark,” he remarked.Gatwech describes her chat with the driver to Cosmopolitan.”I merely chuckled. I was curious as to why he felt that I ought to. He said that because it would make my life simpler. If I were lighter, I could get into a relationship more easily and guys would be more drawn to me. I’m lighter, so if I went to a job interview, I would receive the opportunity. I just responded, “I’d rather take the [hard] road, even if] being lighter would make my life easier.”

The woman goes on, “I’m used to people asking the stupidest questions ever [about my skin].”

Gatwech then shared the story on Instagram along with a stunning picture of herself with three other stunning dark-skinned Sudanese women.

“A country with people so dark you won’t believe your eyes,” the author writes. Teeth so brilliant, skin so rich. Oh, how I cherish my nation, my people, and all that it entails.

“[SIC] I was asking my Uber driver the other day, and he said, don’t take this personally, but would you bleach your skin for ten thousand dollars?” she says, going on to describe her interaction with the driver. I couldn’t even respond because I was laughing so much.He then responded, “So that’s a no,” to which I replied, “Hell to the f*king yeah, that’s a no, why would I ever bleach this gorgeous melanin that God bless with me?””So you see it as a blessing,” he continued.

Her backers applauded Gatwech right away and raced to her defense.

“I suppose he missed the memo.”Black is gorgeous,” an admirer writes.

Another person says, “I cherish you for cherishing me.”A third wonders, “Why would we ever want to mess up something so beautiful?”

Asking Yahoo Beauty for guidance, she said, “You are beautiful, you are unique, and there are people who love you just the way you are” to young black girls suffering comparable struggles. It’s said that the juice of a cherry is sweeter the darker it is. Accept your gloom!

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My Neighbor Totally Ruined My Windows with Paint after I Refused to Pay $2,000 for Her Dog’s Treatment

An increasingly heated argument starts when Julia declines to pay her neighbor $2000 for a small dog accident. Julia is dealing with family issues and navigating the chaos as tensions grow. But Julia loses it and plans some heinous retaliation after her neighbor paints over her windows.

Allow me to share with you the story of the moment I nearly went insane while residing in a quiet suburban neighborhood.

I’m Julia, and I shared this sweet small home with my husband Roger and our ten-year-old son Dean for more than 10 years.

As long as you disregarded the ongoing concern for Roger’s well-being, everything was fairly wonderful. However, when Linda moved in next door, everything was different.

Linda. The mere thought of her makes my blood boil. We never got along from the day she came in with her golden retriever, Max.

At first, it was simply small things, like her loud music or the fact that she allowed Max go anywhere he wished, nothing serious. However, things took a bad turn one sunny afternoon.

Max came running over to me while I was cutting my roses in my backyard, wagging his tail like he owned the place. Really sweet dog, but intrigued. He took in certain scents, and before I knew it, he yelled.

The poor creature has a little thorn embedded in his paw. I bent down, comforted him, and carefully pulled the thorn out. I patted Max’s head after he licked my fingers.

I accompanied him back to Linda’s, perhaps anticipating a thank you. Rather, she merely stood there, frowning and with her arms crossed.

Why does my dog have a limp? How did you act? She lost her temper.

“He simply trod on a small thorn,” I retorted, attempting to remain composed. “I removed it, and he seems OK.”

She gave a huff, and I assumed that was it. How incorrect I was!

One morning, I discovered a message affixed to my door. “You owe me $2000 for Max’s treatment,” it said.

I was astounded as I stared at it. Two thousand dollars? For what purpose? The dog only received a small cut. I made the decision to visit and make everything clear.

Linda, what’s the deal? I asked, pointing to the message.

Her tone was cold as she continued, “That’s for Max’s vet bill.” “That thorn caused him pain all through the night.”

“I apologize, but that is absurd,” I answered. “As a gesture of goodwill, I’ll give you $100, but two thousand is out of the question.”

Linda squinted her eyes. “You’ll regret it or you pay up.”

Linda turned my life into a living misery the moment she met me.

A woman standing in a quiet suburban street | Source: Midjourney

Every time she drove by, she would flip me off, honk, and tip over my trash cans. Her attempt to have Dean arrested was the worst. Dean, my sweet, naive boy, was simply riding a minibike like all the other kids in the area.

I was enjoying a cup of tea on the veranda one afternoon when I heard Linda’s car horn familiarly screaming. Glaring at Dean, who was playing in the driveway, I looked up.

She said, “Get that brat off that bike before I call the cops!”

“Linda, these are only children!” Feeling my patience wane, I yelled back.

She shot back, “Your kid is a menace, and if you don’t do something about it, I will.”

I was unable to yell, weep, or take action, even though I wanted to. Since Roger was back in the hospital, I was already overburdened with trying to keep things together. Taking a deep breath, I looked up at Dean.

I kindly murmured, “Come inside, honey.” “We’ll switch up the game.”

With tears in his eyes, Dean argued, “But Mom, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I understand, my love. Simply put, it’s complicated.

I made an effort to ignore Linda’s shenanigans and concentrate on Roger and Dean. However, it felt as though a ticking time bomb was nearby. I was always afraid of what she might do next. Finally, she pushed me over the edge.

I got the call in the afternoon of a Sunday. Roger’s condition had gotten worse, and I had to head to the hospital right away.

After gathering our belongings, I dropped Dean off at my mother’s house and hurried to the hospital.

I stayed by Roger’s side for two excruciating days, not eating or sleeping, my mind racing with worry and tiredness.

Upon my return, all I wanted was a little break, an opportunity to regain my composure.

Upon walking up my driveway, I discovered that my house had been turned into a nightmare for graffiti artists. Paint in the colors red and yellow spattered my windows, dripping in unkempt streaks.

Paint splattered on a house | Source: Midjourney

My house appeared to have been attempted to be converted into a circus tent. And there it was, Linda’s note “Just to make your days brighter!” sitting on the doorstep!

A house covered with paint splatters | Source: Midjourney

I was shaking with fury as I stood there, my fatigue from the previous two days melting away in the fire of my fury. That was it. This was the tipping moment.

I clinched my teeth and whispered, “Dean, go inside.”

“But Mom, what took place?” His eyes wide with terror and perplexity, he questioned.

I said it again, softly this time, attempting to maintain my composure. “Just go inside, honey.”

Dean gave a nod and rushed inside, leaving me to harbor my rage on my own.

With my thoughts racing, I crumpled Linda’s paper in my hand. It had to end. Linda was going to get a war if that was her desire.

I took a drive to the hardware shop that afternoon. I strolled through the aisles, my rage melting into a detached, analytical concentration. When I saw the Japanese Beetle traps, a strategy started to take shape.

I purchased multiple packets of the beetle-attracting smell lures and traps. I put the aroma packets in the freezer as soon as I came home. The wax would be easier to work with in the cold. Anxiety mixed with excitement caused my heart to race. This needed to function.

I slipped into Linda’s yard at three in the morning while the neighborhood was silent due to the darkness.

I had the impression of a figure from one of Roger’s favorite spy films. My heart leaped at the sound of every distant leaf rustle. However, I was adamant. I hid the smell packets behind the layers of mulch in Linda’s well-kept flower beds.

By the time I was done, the first rays of morning were appearing.

I crept back inside my house, feeling my heartbeat finally begin to settle down. Despite being tired, I felt a sense of somber fulfillment as I got into bed. It was now a matter of waiting.

When I looked out my window the following afternoon, I noticed swarms of Japanese beetles descending on Linda’s garden. They were glinting in the sunlight. It was functioning.

Her lovely flower gardens were completely destroyed over the course of the following few days, the once-vibrant blossoms reduced to frayed remains.

Allow me to correct the information. Hi there, my name is Linda, and I came to this area in search of solitude.

My golden dog, Max, went into Julia’s yard by mistake and snagged a thorn in his paw, shattering that fantasy. She pulled it out as if she were doing me a favor, rather than just giving it back to him.

I asked Julia to pay Max’s vet bill the following day.

A dog lying on a sofa | Source: Pexels

He was in discomfort and walking with a limp all night. However, she was so bold as to offer me just $100 rather than the $2000 it would have cost. I told her she would regret not paying up after our argument. Things didn’t seem to be getting out of control.

Yes, I did, a couple times knocked over her trash cans and honked as I went past, to let her know I wasn’t going to back down. However, Julia painted myself as the bad guy.

I didn’t know things had gotten out of hand until insects decimated my garden.

I was like a crazy woman, rushing around my yard. When I was picking away dead flowers on the third day, I noticed something strange hidden in the mulch. When I saw that it was a piece of plastic packaging—part of a Japanese beetle trap—my heart fell.

Someone had intentionally done this. And I knew who it was, very well.

My wrath blazing, I stormed straight to Julia’s house. I knocked on her door, presenting the proof that implicated her.

“Julia! Let yourself in!” I yelled, fury trembling in my voice.

Appearing composed as ever, she unlocked the door. “What’s going on, Linda?”

“You know what you did to my garden?” I threw the plastic fragment towards her. This was discovered in my flower bed. Yes, you did this, right?

Although Julia maintained a neutral expression, there was a hint of something—guilt, perhaps—in her eyes. “Lucina, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t tell me lies!” I let out a cry. “You destroyed my yard! Why would you act in this manner?

A wail sounded from within the home before she could respond. When I looked behind Julia, I noticed Dean, her son, seated on the floor with tears running down his face.

“Is Dad going to pass away, Mom?” With his tiny voice breaking, Dean cried.

Julia looked past me, her expression softening as she turned to greet her son. “No, sweetheart, everything will be OK. The medical professionals are exerting every effort.

I watched this scene play out while freezing in place. My rage seemed so trivial now.

A boy wiping his tears | Source: Pexels

Julia was more than simply my obnoxious neighbor; she was a mother taking care of her sick husband and her afraid child.

“Julia, I.” I opened my mouth, but my words stumbled. How do I put it? I hadn’t paused to think about what she might be going through since I was so overwhelmed by my rage.

With a look of fatigue on her face, Julia turned to face me. “Linda, I apologize for your garden. However, I didn’t do it. I can’t handle this anymore, let alone caring about your flowers.

My fight was gone from me. “I apologize too,” I said. “I had no idea that things were so horrible for you.”

She gave a nod, remaining silent. I recoiled, embarrassed by my own foolishness. How could it have gotten so out of control?

That being said, I kept to myself. I realized that Julia had enough on her plate and put an end to the small-time harassing. My garden recovered slowly, and although Julia and I never became friends, we were able to live in harmony together.

I still think about that period of time years later. Sometimes, in order to understand what others are going through, you have to look past your own problems. Even though Julia and I have remained estranged neighbors, we have a silent respect for one another that was developed through hardship.

Though it has been romanticized for artistic purposes, this work draws inspiration from actual individuals and events. For reasons of privacy protection and story improvement, names, characters, and details have been changed. Any likeness to real people, alive or dead, or real events is entirely accidental and not the author’s intention.

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