When Nicole started receiving mysterious notifications from the digital bathroom scale her husband brought home, she brushed it off as a glitch. But as the same numbers appeared week after week, her suspicions grew: Was Justin hiding something — or someone? What she uncovered SHOOK HER TO HER CORE.
What would you do if strange notifications started popping up on your phone? Like, ones you couldn’t explain? Because that’s exactly what happened to me, and let me tell you — it led to one hell of a discovery.
It started with a bathroom scale — a digital one. My husband, Justin, brought it home one random Saturday. “Let’s stay healthy together,” he said with this casual smile like it was no big deal. I wasn’t thrilled, but I played along. We stepped on it to “test” it out. Mine read 134.4 lbs, and his weight was 189.5 lbs.

A woman measuring her weight on a weighing scale | Source: Freepik
“Wow, I didn’t realize I was pushing 190,” he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
I noticed his hand slightly trembling as he stepped off. “Justin? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just… just surprised, that’s all.” He wouldn’t meet my eyes. “I used to be so fit in college.”
“We all change with time,” I said, touching his arm. He flinched away so subtly that I almost missed it.
I thought that might’ve been the end — just another gadget to collect dust in the bathroom. However, weeks later, these weird notifications started popping up on my phone. I’d linked the scale to an app when we first set it up, and one day, while sitting at work, I got a message:
“Unidentified user: weight 152.1 lbs.”

A shocked woman seeing her phone | Source: Midjourney
I thought maybe Justin had stepped on the scale. But he weighed 189.5 pounds. Then it happened again. And again. I got these notifications three times a week. Same weight. Same time. Something didn’t add up.
At dinner one night, I asked him casually, “Hey, have you been using the scale while I’m at work?”
He didn’t even look up from his plate. “Nope. It’s probably the kids playing with it.”
“Three times a week at the exact same time?” I pressed, raising an eyebrow.
“Geez, Nicole!” His fork clattered against the plate. “Why are you interrogating me about a damn scale?”

An annoyed man | Source: Midjourney
“I’m not interrogating you. I’m just asking a simple question. And the numbers are, I don’t know… weird. You weigh 189.5 pounds. But the notification said 152.1. Am I missing something?”
He shrugged, clearly annoyed. “Maybe they’re holding the dog when they weigh themselves. I don’t know, Nicole. It’s just a scale. Why are you so obsessed with this?”
That was the first red flag. Something about the way he said it — so quick and dismissive — didn’t sit right with me. But I didn’t want to start a fight over a stupid scale, so I let it go for a while.
But the notifications didn’t stop.

A doubtful woman | Source: Midjourney
Sometimes, the weight was random — 189.5 lbs (Justin’s weight), 35.3 lbs, or even 24.2 lbs. But that damn 152.1 lbs kept popping up like a ghost that refused to leave. This happened three times a week, like clockwork.
One night, I couldn’t sleep. The numbers kept dancing in my head.
“Justin?” I whispered in the darkness.
“Mmph?” he mumbled.
“Are you happy? With us, I mean?”
He rolled over, suddenly alert. “Where is this coming from?”

A frustrated man in his bedroom | Source: Midjourney
“I don’t know. You just seem… distant lately. Like you’re keeping something from me.”
“Nicole,” he sighed heavily, “it’s 2 a.m. Can we not do this now?”
“When should we do it then?” I demanded, sitting up. “Because every time I try to talk to you, you shut me down!”
“How annoying can this get?!” He threw off the covers and stormed out of the bedroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

An anxious woman | Source: Midjourney
One evening, while Justin was at the grocery store, I decided to take the scale to customer service, convinced it was broken. But when I explained the issue, the employee ran a diagnostic test and handed it back with a shrug.
“It’s working perfectly,” he said. “Every weight logged is based on someone actually using it.”
I felt my stomach knot. Someone was ACTUALLY using it?
When I got home, I confronted Justin again. “The scale isn’t broken,” I told him. “So who keeps stepping on it? It’s clearly someone who weighs 152.1 pounds. And it’s none of us here. Not you. Not me. Not the kids. And don’t you dare tell me it’s our dog.”
He sighed, his jaw tightening. “Nicole, it’s the kids. I don’t know what else to tell you.”

A furious woman frowning | Source: Midjourney
“You’re sure about that?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. “Because I’ve been watching them. They’re never home at that time.”
“Are you spying on our children now?” he exploded. “What’s next? Hidden cameras?”
“Maybe I should install some!” I shot back, tears burning in my eyes. “Since you won’t give me a straight answer!”
“Nicole, drop it!” he snapped, storming upstairs to our room. “It’s not a big deal. You’re acting like this is some kind of conspiracy.”
That was red flag number two. Then came the day everything changed.
I was on a work trip, trying to focus on a meeting, when my phone buzzed with another notification: “Unidentified user: weight 152.1 lbs.”
I happened to be on the phone with my eldest son at the time. “Hey,” I asked, keeping my voice light. “Who’s messing with the scale right now?”

A cellphone on a table | Source: Pexels
“What scale?” he asked, sounding confused.
“The one in the bathroom,” I said. “Who’s using it?”
“Mom, no one’s home except Dad,” he said. “We’re all at school. Are you okay? You sound weird.”
My heart started racing. “I’m fine, sweetie. Just… checking something.”
“Mom,” he hesitated, “is everything okay with you and Dad? We’ve noticed you guys fighting more.”
“Everything’s fine,” I lied, my voice cracking. “Just adult stuff. Don’t worry about it. Okay. Thanks, sweetie. Love you.”
After I hung up, the realization hit me like a brick: Someone else was in my house. With Justin. But who?
My brain immediately went to the worst place. WAS IT HIS MISTRESS?

A suspicious woman lost in deep thought | Source: Midjourney
I tried to call Justin, but when he picked up, his response was the same as always: “It’s the kids, Nicole. Stop overthinking it.”
“Stop lying to me!” I screamed into the phone, my hands shaking. “I just talked to them — they’re at school!”
There was a long pause. “I have to go,” he said quietly. “We’ll talk about this later.”
“Justin, don’t you dare hang up —” The line went dead.
But now, I couldn’t ignore it. Someone was sneaking into my house, using the scale, and Justin was covering it up. I needed to figure out who.
The next night, after I got home, I sat down and combed through every notification on the app. That’s when I noticed the pattern: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Always at 1:50 p.m.
The next day was Thursday. And I knew exactly what I had to do.

A woman using her phone | Source: Midjourney
I left work early, parked my car down the street, and waited. My heart pounded as the clock ticked closer to 1:50 p.m.
“Please let me be wrong,” I whispered, gripping the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. “Please, please let me be wrong.”
At exactly 1:50 p.m., I got the message. And at 1:53 p.m., I saw someone walking out of my house.
From behind, they looked like a woman — lean, with a long ponytail swinging back and forth. But then they turned, and I FROZE. It wasn’t a woman. It was a MAN.
My mind raced with possibilities, each worse than the last. Was Justin living some kind of double life?

A man with a long ponytail closing a door | Source: Midjourney
Furious, I jumped out of the car and marched toward him. “HEY!” I shouted. “WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!”
He turned, startled. “Oh, uh… you must be Nicole. Justin’s wife.”
My stomach twisted. “What? Who are you? And why do you have keys to my house?”
He raised his hands like I was about to arrest him. “I guess Justin didn’t tell you about us,” he said sheepishly. “Please don’t judge him! He was too embarrassed to talk about it.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I snapped. “What US?!”

A stunned woman | Source: Midjourney
“I’m Derek,” he said quickly. “Justin’s old college friend. He called me a couple of weeks ago. He’s been worried about his weight and getting out of shape. I’m a personal trainer and sports masseur.”
My head spun. “You’re… his TRAINER?”
“Yeah, I —” Derek started, but I cut him off.
“No, stop. Just stop.” I pressed my fingers to my temples, trying to make sense of it all. “You expect me to believe that my husband, who’s been acting like he’s having an affair, gave you keys to our house for… FITNESS TRAINING?”
Derek nodded, looking genuinely apologetic. “Justin didn’t want you to know because he was embarrassed about gaining weight. And the keys… look, after each session, I give him a massage to help with muscle recovery. He has to lie still for about ten to 30 minutes afterward, so he asked me to lock up when I leave. That’s why he gave me the spare keys. I’m really sorry for the confusion.”

A man smiling | Source: Midjourney
He hesitated before adding, “I know how this looks, but Justin’s been going through a lot. When he lost his job —”
I stared at him, completely dumbfounded. All the sneaking around, all the gaslighting… over personal training? My husband had been fired six months ago and must’ve felt so uneasy about himself. And I didn’t even notice how he’d been depressed and how he’d gained weight.
So that’s why he bought the digital scale. I felt guilty for not noticing how much he’d been struggling, but at the same time, I was upset that he’d kept something so big from me.

A guilty woman | Source: Midjourney
When I walked into the house ten minutes later, Justin acted completely normal, like nothing had happened. “Hey,” he said casually, slipping his phone into his pocket. “You’re back?! I was just about to jump in the shower.”
I didn’t say a word, just nodded and watched him walk upstairs. My thoughts were racing, but I waited. When he came back downstairs after his shower, I was sitting on the couch, arms crossed, waiting for him.
“So,” I began, arms crossed, “how long have you been hiding Derek from me?”
His face turned pale. “You… met Derek?”

A man gaping in shock | Source: Midjourney
“Yeah, Justin. I met Derek. The guy with a ponytail who’s been sneaking into our house three times a week. Care to explain?”
“Nicole, I can explain everything —”
“Can you?” I interrupted, my voice shaking. “Because Derek already did. About the training sessions.”
The color drained from his face as he sighed, collapsing onto the couch. “I didn’t want you to know,” he admitted. “I’ve been feeling terrible since I lost my job. I gained weight, and I just… I didn’t want you to laugh at me.”
“Laugh at you? Justin, I thought you were CHEATING on me! You lied, gave someone keys to our house, and made me feel like I was crazy!”
“I know,” he said quietly, his head in his hands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to go this far.”

A man looking guilty | Source: Midjourney
“Do you have any idea what you put me through?” I choked out. “I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. I kept imagining the worst possible scenarios!”
“I was ashamed,” he sobbed. “I failed you. Failed our family. I thought if I could just get back in shape, find a new job… maybe I could be worthy of you again.”
I stared at him, my anger softening just a little. “Justin, I’m your wife. You don’t have to hide things from me. But you sure as hell don’t get to gaslight me either.”
The next day, I decided to convey an unforgettable message to Justin.

A frustrated woman | Source: Midjourney
The house was packed with friends and family when he got home from his evening walk. Balloons shaped like dumbbells hung from the ceiling, and a giant “Justin’s Fitness Journey” banner stretched across the living room along with his “before and after” photos.
“What… what is this?” he stammered, looking around in horror.
“A party!” I said brightly. “To celebrate your hard work. Since you went to such great lengths to hide it, I thought it deserved some extra attention.”
His face turned red as everyone clapped and cheered.
“Nicole,” he whispered, pulling me aside, “I don’t deserve this. After everything I put you through…”
“You’re right,” I said firmly. “You don’t deserve it. But you know what you do deserve? Support. Love. Understanding. All the things you were too afraid to ask for.”

A man smiling with relief | Source: Midjourney
“I promise,” he said, his voice cracking, “no more secrets. No more lies.”
“Good,” I smiled, squeezing his hand. “Because I already changed the locks.”
As the party continued, I leaned over and whispered, “Next time, just tell me the truth. It’s a lot easier than this.”
He nodded, squeezing my hand back. “Next time,” he promised, “we face everything together.”

A couple holding hands | Source: Unsplash
My MIL Was Stealing My Clothes for Months and Advertising It Online — On Thanksgiving, I Publicly Taught Her a Lesson

When her favorite clothes start vanishing, Stephanie dismisses it as forgetfulness — until she discovers her mother-in-law secretly selling them online, calling them “trashy.” Living together during renovations just got interesting, and the family will never forget this Thanksgiving dinner.
I thought I had a good relationship with Lucia, my mother-in-law, until she moved in with us while her home was being renovated.

A woman standing beside several suitcases | Source: Midjourney
It started with small things, minor disagreements about why I put rosemary in my pot roast, and the “proper” way to clean the hardwood floors.
I tried to be a good host, but Lucia did not make it easy. One day, I returned from my part-time job to discover she’d rearranged everything stored in the kitchen cupboards. She also insisted on hanging the laundry outside to dry, even though I asked her not to.
“The fresh air just makes it smell better,” she said.

Laundry hanging on a clothesline | Source: Pexels
“That’s what the scented fabric softener is for,” I replied, but she just wouldn’t listen.
“You’re both very headstrong and like to do things your way, it’s natural you’ll clash from time to time,” Michael said when I ranted to him over a date night dinner. “And besides, Mom will be going back to her place in another few weeks. It’s not that long.”
“It may as well be forever,” I sighed.
Then my clothes started disappearing.

A confused woman standing in front of a closet | Source: Midjourney
It started with a semi-sheer dress. I wanted to wear it to a work function but when I opened my closet, it was gone.
“Lucia, have you seen my dress?” I called as I headed to the basement to search the laundry. “The mauve one, with the ruffles?”
“The one that looks like a curtain?” Lucia popped her head out of the living room as I passed by. “No, Steph, I don’t think I have.”

A woman shrugging | Source: Midjourney
I never did find that dress and the missing clothes situation got worse. My skinny jeans vanished next, followed by my fuschia pink sundress and — this one really got me — my favorite silk blouse that Michael had bought me for our anniversary.
I was going half-crazy thinking I’d misplaced them. I unpacked my entire closet and reorganized it three times. Every time, I noticed something else that was missing like a favorite bra, my lace pantyhose, and a grey pencil skirt.
But the real kicker? I discovered the truth about what was happening to my clothes purely by accident.

Close up of a frowning woman’s face | Source: Midjourney
I couldn’t sleep one night and ended up scrolling through Reddit. There, I stumbled upon a post showing MY CLOTHES, with a caption that made my blood boil: “Cleaning out my DIL’s trashy wardrobe. Anyone want to buy some clothes that no respectable married woman should wear?”
I nearly choked on my chamomile tea. The username might as well have been “LuciaTheThief” because who else could it be?
The woman who’d been living in my house for three months, eating my food, and criticizing my cooking, was now apparently stealing my clothes.

A woman staring at her phone screen in shock | Source: Midjourney
“Oh my God,” I whispered to myself, scrolling through the comments.
Some people wanted to buy the clothes while others had posted nasty criticisms of my fashion sense. She’d replied to some with remarks like, “My poor son doesn’t know how to tell her these clothes are inappropriate” and “She dresses like she’s still in college.”
I clenched my fists so hard that one of my acrylic nails popped off. I was tempted to storm into the guest bedroom right then and demand my clothes back, but then I came up with a better plan.

A woman scowling at her phone | Source: Midjourney
Thanksgiving was right around the corner and this year, Michael and I were celebrating with members from both our families. Twelve people in total, including Michael’s older brother and one of his aunts.
“Revenge is a dish best served with turkey and cranberry sauce,” I muttered as I took screenshots of Lucia’s Reddit post.
I set my phone aside and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

A cell phone on a nightstand | Source: Pexels
On Thanksgiving, I graciously told Lucia to go ahead and prepare the meal according to her family recipes. It kept her busy while I hurriedly completed the final steps of my plan to teach her a lesson.
Afterward, I set the table according to Lucia’s specifications. It looked perfect by the time everyone arrived. Michael squeezed my hand under the table as everyone sat down, probably thinking I was finally making an effort with his mother.
If he only knew.

A woman standing at a dining table | Source: Midjourney
When everyone had filled their plates, I stood up, wine glass in hand. “I’d like to make a toast,” I announced.
“To family,” I began, “and especially to Lucia, who’s been such a… presence in our home these past few months.” A few chuckles around the table. “She’s taught me so much about generosity and giving to others.”
Lucia beamed, probably thinking I’d finally learned something from her endless lessons about charity and community service. That’s when I reached under the table and pulled out the garbage bag I’d stashed there earlier.

A woman lifting a trash bag | Source: Midjourney
“In fact, she’s generously donated all of these clothes to the women’s shelter downtown,” I continued, “accidentally” letting the bag split open.
Out tumbled Lucia’s favorite cashmere sweater, her designer jeans, and — oops — was that her La Perla lingerie skittering across the hardwood floor?
Lucia took one look at the clothes, all items I’d carefully chosen because I knew she loved them, and spat her wine out like a fountain.

A shocked woman seated at a dining table | Source: Midjourney
The table went silent. Michael’s sister Jane stopped mid-chew. Then, surprisingly, Michael’s cousin Sarah started clapping.
“That’s so wonderful of you, Aunt Lucia!” Sarah exclaimed. “You’re always talking about giving back to the community. How generous of you to donate your designer clothes!”
Others joined in the applause, praising Lucia’s apparent selflessness. I watched as her face cycled through confusion, horror, and fury, knowing she couldn’t say a word without exposing her misdeeds.

A smug woman | Source: Midjourney
It was the perfect trap.
The rest of dinner was deliciously awkward, with Lucia pushing food around her plate and avoiding everyone’s eyes.
I’d never seen her so quiet during a family gathering. Usually, she’d be holding court, sharing stories about Michael’s childhood, or dropping not-so-subtle hints about grandchildren.
After dinner, Lucia cornered me in the kitchen.

An angry woman | Source: Midjourney
Her face was flushed, either from anger or the three glasses of wine she’d needed to get through dessert.
“How dare you humiliate me like that?” she hissed, hands shaking as she gripped the counter. “You went too far, Stephanie. Way too far.”
I continued loading the dishwasher, taking my time with each plate. “How dare I? That’s rich coming from someone who stole my clothes and tried to sell them online while calling me trashy.”

A woman loading a dishwasher | Source: Midjourney
“What? I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
I paused, took out my phone, and showed her the screenshot I’d taken of her Reddit post. The blood drained from her face and her jaw went slack.
“I… well, those clothes were inappropriate—”
“Those clothes were mine,” I cut her off. I scrolled to the next screenshot. “Every single comment you made, every attempt to sell my things — it’s all here.”

An angry woman | Source: Midjourney
“And let me make something crystal clear: my house, my clothes, my life,” I continued. “You don’t get to make those decisions for me anymore. Actions have consequences, Lucia. Remember that next time you think about overstepping.”
The next morning, I found all my missing clothes neatly folded outside my bedroom door. Every single item was there, from the semi-sheer dress to the silk blouse.
No note needed — the message was clear.

A stack of folded clothes on a hallway table | Source: Pexels
I gathered them up and took them to my closet, then spent an hour sorting through my older clothes.
When Lucia came down for breakfast, I was already at the door with my donation bag.
“Going to the shelter?” she asked quietly.
“Yes. With my own clothes… the ones I actually want to donate.”

A woman carrying a trash bag | Source: Midjourney
She nodded, then surprised me by saying, “I’m sorry, Stephanie. I was wrong.”
I paused at the door, bag in hand. “I know you were.”
“It’s just…” she sighed, wringing her hands. “Those clothes, some of them seemed so revealing, and I worried about what people would think. About you, about Michael, about our family. But I handled it all wrong. It won’t happen again.”
“No,” I agreed, “it won’t.”

A woman holding a trash bag | Source: Midjourney
As I drove to the shelter, I couldn’t help but smile. Sometimes it takes a little public humiliation to teach someone about boundaries. And if Lucia ever tried something like this again? Well, I still had those Reddit screenshots saved on my phone.
Just in case.
But for now, we had reached a tentative peace. The following weeks brought fewer criticisms, more respect for personal space, and — miracle of miracles — not a single comment about my wardrobe choices.

A woman relaxing on a sofa | Source: Midjourney
Sometimes, it takes a dramatic gesture to reset a relationship.
Here’s another story: After weeks of planning the perfect Christmas Eve, my husband left the kids and me at home to attend his staff-only office party instead. But when another wife’s call revealed the truth about couples being invited, I decided it was time for a surprise visit.
This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.
The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.
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