After 50 Years, Elderly Woman’s First Love Appears on Her Doorstep – Story of the Day

A few years after her husband died, Laura decided to move to her parents’ old apartment in Miami. But she was there only a month when her first love, Nathan, appeared on her doorstep. Their relationship was full of mystery until he simply disappeared. Finally, she was about to learn the shocking reason why.

A month ago, 78-year-old Laura took the plunge and moved to her parents’ old apartment in Miami. They bought it when they retired a long time ago, and she inherited it when they died. But Laura’s entire life was in Durham, North Carolina, so her family used it as a vacation spot for years.

She thought about moving when her husband, Charles, died six years ago, but it simply didn’t happen. Her daughter, Melissa, had just delivered her first child and Laura didn’t want to leave them. But the apartment remained in the back of her mind.

When Melissa announced her second pregnancy, Laura made her an offer. She didn’t want them to get into debt looking for a bigger house, so the older woman offered them her family house. It was big enough in case they expanded their family even more and was located in an excellent school district.

Melissa had tons of fond memories of her childhood, so she accepted immediately. “Are you sure you don’t want to live with us? This house has more than enough room for everyone,” Melissa suggested after Laura explained that she would be moving to Miami.

“Yes, darling. You guys need your space, and I need mine. Besides, that apartment has been empty for a long time, and it’s perfect for older folks. I also miss the beach like crazy. A warm beach, I mean,” Laura replied, nodding her head and patting Melissa’s shoulder.

Moving her life was hard, but she loved Miami. She was also happy that Melissa and her family would no longer pay for rent or be crippled by a mortgage as her old house was completely paid for.

Laura sat down on her balcony furniture and enjoyed the morning sun falling on her skin every day. Doctors might say that too much sunlight is harmful to your skin, but there’s something about that light and the salty smell of the sea that heals your soul. She couldn’t have been happier with the decision.

One day, she was making a nice sandwich with chips to eat for lunch when her doorbell rang. She removed her apron and went to answer it, thinking it might be her next-door neighbor who loved to gossip with her. But it wasn’t Mrs. Cardigan.

Laura’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped when she recognized the man standing right outside her door. It was Nathan, her first love. And if she was honest with herself, he was the love of her life. Over the years, Laura sighed at the memory of him, even though she loved her husband dearly. Nathan had marked her forever.

They were both in their 20s and most people wouldn’t believe it, but their love felt like something you only read about in books. It was passionate. It was steamy. It was the stuff of legends. The downside was it was also volatile. Some would call it toxic. But Laura was in love.

Their other issue was Nathan’s mysterious nature. She knew practically nothing about his life or family, but she didn’t care, even when he often disappeared for days, weeks, and even months. That was harder to take. He dodged her questions whenever Laura brought up the subject, so she eventually stopped.

One day, Nathan left her old apartment with a smile on his face, and it was the last time she saw him. She waited for him to return and had no way to contact him. After a year of hoping, Laura decided to move on with her life. She met Charles, got married, and Nathan became a memory.

But there he was. Standing on her doorstep as if no time had passed. So many questions ran through her head while she gaped at him like a fish caught in a net. How did he find me in Miami? What is he doing here? Does he think we’re still 20 that he can just appear out of thin air? What does he want?

Finally, Nathan broke the silence. “Hey, Laura. How are you?”

“Hey? It’s been more than 50 years, Nathan. Why are you here? How did you find me?” she asked in a huff. She couldn’t believe Nathan had the gall to sound so carefree after all this time.

“I know. I want to explain everything. But will you let me in?” he wondered and smiled his crazy smile, which still managed to make her heart skip a beat even now. His face had wrinkles, sunspots, and he couldn’t stand as straight as he once did. But he was still… Nathan. Just Nathan.

“Fine. Come in,” Laura finally answered in a huff, crossing her arms and leading him into her apartment.

“How have you been all these years?” he asked after sitting down.

“I don’t have time for chit-chat, Nathan. I want answers. Real answers this time. I haven’t forgotten how you ignored me back then and changed the subject. You either start talking now or leave,” Laura snapped, sitting down on a chair across from him with her arms still crossed.

“Ok… this is not easy. But back then, my parents didn’t want me to date anyone. When I turned 20, they told me that they had arranged a marriage for me with the daughter of one of their wealthiest friends. But I didn’t want it. I only pretended. I fell in love with you. But I knew they would disapprove,” Nathan revealed with a huge sigh.

Laura’s mouth dropped open for the second time that day, and Nathan continued his story. “Whenever I disappeared, I was with her. Kiara. She liked to travel. She was so demanding. But I always returned to you.”

“Until the last time. I waited for a year, Nathan. I waited for you,” Laura hissed, getting emotional. She couldn’t believe Nathan had someone else. “And you were cheating on me the entire time.”

“I wasn’t! I swear I wasn’t! What I had with her was NOT romantic at all. I didn’t even hold her hand. She knew I didn’t want the arranged marriage all along, but Kiara forced my attention and my time. If I didn’t comply, she might have told my parents about you, and it would’ve been bad for you,” Nathan retorted, frustrated.

Laura thought about his words. She didn’t want to believe him, but he sounded genuine. “Ok… so why didn’t you return for such a long time?” she asked quietly.

“That year was hectic. I was graduating. My father got me a major internship, and Kiara started to plan our wedding. It was all so complicated. I couldn’t see you. But then, Kiara died in a car accident and the situation became even more complex. But I let some time pass. I helped her parents out because they thought I was her fiancé, and I went back to you as soon as I could,” he finished, looking down as if he couldn’t hold his head up after revealing everything.

“Oh, wow. I’m sorry. I mean, I wouldn’t wish harm on anyone,” Laura commented but remembered something he said. “What do you mean ‘returned?’ When did you return?”

“One day, I went to your house, and I saw another man there with you. I didn’t know what he meant to you, but I knew I couldn’t show up and ruin it after all that time. I went to your house every day for a month, and he was always there, so I stopped going. I heard you two got married at some point,” Nathan explained.

“Yeah, that was my late husband, Charles.”

“My condolences.”

“What happens now?” Laura asked, raising her eyebrows in question.

“I don’t know. I hoped to explain everything to you, and maybe we could start a friendship,” Nathan suggested.

“How did you find me all the way here?”

“I moved down here in my 30s. I’ve been here since. I never had any family. After losing you, I couldn’t fall for anyone else. Kiara’s death also haunted me. It was tough. But around 20 years ago, I saw your parents walking around. I found out where they lived and hoped to see you at some point. When they died, I noticed that you didn’t sell the apartment, so I continued waiting,” Nathan continued.

Laura couldn’t believe those words. Nathan never got married or had children. And he had been waiting for her to come here for more than 20 years. “Would you like a sandwich, Nathan?” she offered, changing the intense subject.

Soon enough, Nathan started coming over every day. At first, they were only friends. They chatted about everything under the sun. But at some point, they couldn’t deny their feelings any longer. No matter how much time had passed, their love never ceased. It was like a candle that only needed to be relit to burn bright.


LOVED Saoírse Ruane, who was on The Late Late Toy Show, died of cancer when she was only 12.

The brave girl from Galway, whose appearance on the Toy Show won hearts across the country, died on Tuesday, her family said this morning.

Saoírse was diagnosed with cancer in November 2019 after complaining of an injured ankle. In 2020, her leg was cut off because an Osteosarcoma tumor in her tibia was found to be cancerous and likely to kill her.

When Saoírse joined Ryan Tubridy on the Late Late Toy Show in 2020, her story became well known.

The Galway girl’s fight against a rare form of bone cancer amazed everyone with how strong and tough she was.

The death of Saoírse has broken the hearts of her parents, Roseanna and Ollie, and her little sister Farrah-Rose.

They told everyone about their terrible loss by saying, “After a long brave and dignified battle, our hearts are shattered to tell you that our beautiful little Saoírse took her last breath in our arms on Tuesday.”

“Thank you to all of our wonderful fans for thinking about Saoírse and us over the past few weeks.

“Today, we also think of you because we know how much the country loved Saoírse and how she changed the lives of so many people.”

“Cancer, you took her away from us. You also took away our dreams and the life we had.” Things will never be the same!

Please give us some space as we go on our last and final trip with our beautiful girl. “Farrah Rose and Mamma Dadda.”

President Michael D. Higgins and stars from all over show business have paid tribute to the beloved girl. Her story was told on The Toy Show the first year they started their huge charity campaign.

through her battle, Saoírse’s family gave a “devastating” health update in November of last year, saying that her cancer had spread.

After a recurring tumor was found in her left lung earlier in 2023, they said it was a “huge shock” to them that the cancer had spread to her other lung.

It was Saoírse’s “biggest battle to date” because she had to go through more chemotherapy.

In April, Roseanna said, “Little did they know that their world was about to fall apart again.”
“To say we’re devastated just doesn’t cover it,” she said. It’s not fair that she’s been to war so many times and fought so hard.

Saoírse had already had a few dreams come true, like going to Old Trafford to see Manchester United play and going on her dream vacation to Disneyland.
When people heard that Saoírse had died, they sent her a lot of tributes.
The office of President Michael D. Higgins said, “President Higgins has sent his deepest condolences to the family of Saoírse Ruane from Kiltullagh, Co. Galway, after her death at the age of 12.” Everyone was moved by Saoírse’s strength and kindness.
Tanaiste Micheal Martin also said, “Very saddened by the death of Saoírse Ruane.”
“I will always remember meeting Saoirse and her mother Roseanna in Croke Park and seeing her beautiful smile and love for GAA.”
“The Toy Show Appeal is an amazing thing she left behind.” We’re very sorry for her family and friends’ loss.
Tubs’ tears
After Saoirse’s appearance on The Toy Show, Ryan Tubridy, who used to host Late Late, became friends with her family. He said that the “world is a poorer place” without her.

According to him, hearing the news of his dear young friend Saoírse Ruane’s death made him feel the saddest thoughts possible.
“As soon as we met, we became friends.” People all over the country fell in love with her, and because of her, a charity was founded. Through this, she helped make the lives of thousands of Irish children better and more hopeful.
“A child who is selfless, humble, kind, hopeful, and thoughtful.” She was everything our country should and could be, and her death will make a lot of us think about things.
“My condolences and all the love I can muster go out to Roseanna, Ollie, and Farrah Rose. They are a beautiful family whose whole world has been turned upside down by this tragedy.”
“Thank them for letting us all know about their amazing Saorse.”
“The world is a poorer place without Saoírse but I do hope that twinkle in her eye shines on and on.”
The legacy of Saoírse
Roz Purcell, a radio host on RTE 2FM, said, “No one will forget Saoírse; she left a huge mark and mark on Ireland.”
“In 12 years, she did so much.” May she rest in peace. Think about all of her family and friends who will miss her a lot.
Patrick O’Mahony, the captain of Ireland’s rugby team, said, “I’m very sorry to read this.” She was an inspiration.
Rosana, I’m so sorry, said Kathryn Thomas of RTE. Your lovely daughter made our lives so much better.
“A small part of what she brought into your life.” That smile is great. Thinking about all of you. “Take it easy, little angel.”

Today FM It was DJ Declan Pierce who wrote, “My beautiful friend. It breaks my heart so much.
“The best thing about my job is getting to know Saoírse through the radio show. From the bottom of my heart, I love you all the time.
Singer RuthAnne wrote on her blog, “Heartbroken. She was truly unique, and her bravery knew no bounds.”
“I am so thankful that I met her and had the chance to sing with her. What an honor!”
“That is something I will always treasure and hold close to my heart. Lots of love and light to everyone.”
Saoirse’s funeral will be held at St. Peter and Paul’s Church, Kiltullagh, on Sunday at 1.45 p.m.
It also said, “Saoírse will rest at home on Friday, March 8, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.”
“From the Bullaun Church parking lot (H62 YH66), a bus service will leave. Please follow the stewards’ instructions and only use the bus service to get to the event.”

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