Convicted puppy farmer to face court after allegedly having nearly 100 dogs

A South Australian woman previously convicted of animal cruelty will face court tomorrow after being charged with breaching a court order that limited the number of dogs she was allowed to have.

Kerrie Fitzpatrick, 48, was handed a suspended jail sentence in August after being found guilty of 16 animal cruelty offences for keeping 300 dogs on a breeding farm in horrific conditions.

As part of her sentence, she was given a $500 good behaviour bond for three years, ordered to not have any dogs other than her two pets at the time, and told not to sell any animals.

In October, the RSPCA raided Fitzpatrick’s property in Lewiston, on the far northern outskirts of Adelaide, and seized 86 dogs and puppies that were allegedly in her care.

“Ms Fitzpatrick has been on our radar for some time, and this is an example of RSPCA South Australia performing its duty of care and actively enforcing prohibition orders,” RSPCA South Australia’s Chief Inspector Andrew Baker said in October.

“Ms Fitzpatrick was on the premises yesterday and we will be alleging that she is the sole owner of the property and that the dogs were in her custody, which puts her in breach of her court order.”

Fitzpatrick is due to face the Elizabeth Magistrates Court tomorrow.

Before her sentencing in August, the court heard Fitzpatrick had multiple convictions in Victoria, where she was handed a 10-year ban on working as a breeder before she moved to South Australia to do the same thing.

“If there was anyone who should have been obsessed about not being involved in a dog-selling business, it was you,” Magistrate Karim Soetratma said.

“Milestone Moments: Celebrating Our Furry Friend’s 12th Birthday with Love and Gratitude”

Today is a remarkable day for us as we celebrate our furry friend’s 12th birthday. We are overflowing with love, happiness, and thankfulness as we look back on the wonderful journey we’ve shared so far. We invite you to join us in commemorating this special occasion and creating unforgettable moments with our beloved dog.
Our dog has been an endless source of joy and unconditional love since he came into our lives as a cute little pup. He has now become an indispensable part of our family, providing constant companionship and support through every triumph and setback we faced. His devoted loyalty and gentle demeanor have profoundly touched our hearts and souls beyond words.

As we mark our furry friend’s milestone 12th birthday, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the bond we’ve formed with him. Our dog has brought us endless joy, from his playful antics to his calming presence by our side. Whether it’s a long walk in the park or snuggles on the couch, every moment spent with him is precious and unforgettable.
As we reminisce about his puppy days and all the milestones he’s achieved, we’re reminded of the cherished memories we’ve created together. Watching him grow from a tiny ball of energy to a wise and loving companion has been a privilege. We can’t help but feel lucky to have him in our lives and to celebrate his special day with him.
Let’s show our four-legged friend all the love and attention he deserves on this special occasion. Let’s indulge him with his favorite treats, plan a playdate with his furry buddies, and fill the air with laughter and wagging tails. We’ll capture these priceless moments on camera to ensure this birthday becomes a memory we’ll always cherish.

Let’s take a moment to mark our furry friend’s 12th birthday and show appreciation for the undeniable happiness and unwavering love that he has brought into our lives. Our dog is more than just a pet; he’s a cherished member of our family who has enriched each day with his presence. Today, we wish him good health, abundant joy, and countless more years of shared adventures.

Happy 12th birthday to our faithful and beloved pup! We’re grateful for your unending love and companionship. Here’s to another year of wagging tails, cozy belly rubs, and treasured memories created together.

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