We’re heartbroken to confirm the tragic news about Toby Keith, just months after his last performance.Country singer Toby Keith passed away Monday at the age of 62 following a battle with cancer, his family announced on Tuesday, February 6.“Toby Keith passed away peacefully last night on February 5th, surrounded by his family,” the statement issued by his family read.“He fought his fight with grace and courage,” it continued. “Please respect the privacy of his family at this time.”The Should’ve Been a Cowboy singer was disclosed the news of having cancer in June 2022. Back then, he posted on his social media and left his fans devastated and praying for his well-being.“Last fall I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. I’ve spent the last 6 months receiving chemo, radiation and surgery,” he said in a June 2022 post on X (formerly Twitter). So far, so good. I need time to breathe, recover, and relax.“I am looking forward to spending this time with my family. But I will see the fans sooner than later. I can’t wait. -T.”
Keith was probably one of the most famous names in country music.Along with establishing a very successful career, he could also brag with an impressive family life.
Throughout his life, and especially throughout his battle with cancer, his wife of forty years, Tricia Lucus, was by his side.
The two met at a bar while he and his band were performing and they spent the night dancing together. At the time, Lucus was a 19 years old working as an oil company secretary and had a child she was raising on her own.
Speaking of Keith, she said that what attracted her to him was that “he was one of those larger-than-life guys, full of confidence.”
The couple tied the knot on March 24, 1984, after three years of dating. Keith adopted Lucus’ daughter and the two had children on their own.
Even before his diagnosis, Keith was an advocate about cancer research and in 2016 he established the Toby Keith Foundation to help provide children with cancer with housing for free.
At the People’s Choice Country Awards last September, where he received the Country Icon Award, the country singer icon shared insights into his treatment journey, describing it as a “roller coaster” experience.
His loss is immense. The world of music lost a legend, but his legacy would continue to live on. His resilient spirit would continue to inspire many more generations. May he rest in peace.
Why you should always put a coin in the freezer before you leave home
When you get home from a trip, has your digital clock ever been reset? This usually indicates that there was a power outage, but it’s impossible to determine when and how long it lasted, so you can’t be sure if your food is still safe.
On Facebook, a woman by the name of Sheila Pulanco Russell provided a helpful trick for figuring out whether food in your freezer is still edible following a power outage.
I’ve heard a fantastic advice for those of you who are fleeing the coast. The one cup tip is what it’s known as, writes Sheila. “You fill your freezer with a cup of water. Place a quarter on top of it after it has solidified in the freezer and store it there.
This easy tip will tell you whether your food has gone bad. “You should discard the meal if the quarter has defrosted and dropped to the bottom of the cup. However, your food can still be fine if the quarter is either at the top or in the center of the cup.
For piece of mind, Sheila advises keeping the cup in your freezer at all times. “Just toss out the food if it doesn’t make you feel happy. The safety of all is the most important thing.
Kindly forward this advice to your loved ones; it could perhaps save a life.
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