Growing up as a gay child, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper thought he would never be able to have his own children

Nearing sixty, Anderson Cooper had already ended his relationship with Benjamin Maisani, his longtime partner, when he became a father. The two ex-couples did, however, reunite, but not in a romantic setting.

It took years before Anderson Cooper and Benjamin Maisani’s relationship was made public because they were so secretive about it. The couple’s dating history dates back to 2009.

The pair was revealed to be residing together at Anderson’s firehouse home by Daily Mail in March 2018. He later made renovations to the $4 million Manhattan, Greenwich Village home he purchased.

Anderson Cooper on an episode of "Watch What Happens Live" on November 30, 2016. | Source: Getty Images
Anderson Cooper and Benjamin Maisani at the Windward School Benefit on March 10, 2018, in New York City. | Source: Getty Images

In March 2018, after a decade of dating, Anderson’s spokesperson confirmed that the journalist and Benjamin had separated. According to reports, the CNN anchor explained the split by saying:

“Benjamin and I separated as boyfriends some time ago. We are still family to each other, and love each other very much.”

Anderson explained that he and his ex-boyfriend remained best friends and would continue sharing their lives. During an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, the television personality revealed one of the reasons that caused them to break up.

He shared how Benjamin wasn’t sure he wanted to have children. However, Anderson didn’t wait to have another partner before working on his dream of becoming a father and fulfilling it at age 53.

In 2020, when reaching the end of his segment on CNN, Anderson revealed that his first child and son, Wyatt Morgan, had been born. He also opened up about why the milestone was especially significant for him, stating:

“As a gay kid, I never thought it would be possible to have a child.”

The star shared his gratitude for the people who paved the way for him to realize his dream. He also shared his appreciation of the nurses and doctors who took part in helping welcome his son.

Following ten years of dating, Anderson’s representative said that the journalist and Benjamin had split up in March 2018. The CNN host reportedly stated the following to explain the split:

“A while back, Benjamin and I called it quits on our relationship. We still love and care for one another as if we were family.

Anderson clarified that he would continue to share their lives and that he and his ex-boyfriend were close friends. One of the reasons behind their breakup was disclosed by the television personality in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres.

He revealed that Benjamin wasn’t certain he wanted to start a family. But Anderson didn’t wait to find a new partner to work toward and realize his 53-year-old dream of becoming a father.

At the conclusion of his CNN segment in 2020, Anderson disclosed the birth of Wyatt Morgan, his first kid. He also revealed the reason the achievement held particular significance for him, saying:

“As a gay child, I never imagined that having a child would be possible.”

The celebrity expressed his appreciation to everyone who helped him achieve his dream. He also expressed his gratitude to the medical professionals that assisted in the birth of his son.

In addition, the TV celebrity shared four photos of his infant son on Instagram. The first picture shows him tenderly nursing Wyatt. He disclosed that the boy was just three days old in the caption of the photo.

He gave an explanation of how the child’s first name matched that of his own father, who died when he was only 10 years old. The second name belonged to his mother’s side of the family, Gloria Vanderbilt, and was also favored by his parents.

Anderson claimed at the time that he had discovered a list his parents had created 52 years prior while choosing his name. At birth, Wyatt reportedly weighed 7.2 pounds and was hailed as “sweet, soft, and healthy.”

The journalist also expressed gratitude to the surrogate mother for bearing him, providing him with a loving and sensitive watch, and giving birth to the boy. He also expressed gratitude to the surrogate’s family for their help both before and after the procedure.

In closing, Anderson expressed his hope that his brother Carter, mother, and father could have seen his son grow up. But he made the decision to think they could see his child, and he saw them cuddling up to each other while grinning and laughing.

He was content that their family line will live on and that their love was still present in both Wyatt and him. Anderson learned in August 2020 that Wyatt was sleeping on an unusual schedule for a youngster who was just about four months old at the time.

The newborn was getting twelve hours of sleep every night! The CNN anchor clarified that he was receiving help from a nurse and made a joke about not knowing what she did—but she didn’t use booze or Ambien—to put the youngster to sleep so much!

Anderson had one requirement, despite having help from someone else in caring for the child. The celebrity declared that he opposed having a single parent raise his child.

In May 2020, Anderson gave an explanation for his decision to not raise his child by himself on “The Howard Stern Show.” The celebrity talked about how his mother raised him and his brother as a single parent after losing his father and how she wasn’t very paternal.

He wished there had been another adult in his life to cover that absence. Someone who occasionally offered to take him out to lunch or a ball game, or who suggested having a conversation with him; the journalist added:

“Therefore, I reasoned that I would be in favor of more people loving my son and being in his life, even if nothing bad happened to me.”

He mentioned how, if it were possible, he would want to have two parents. Ironically, because of their good relationship, he and Benjamin continued to live together in their house after their breakup.

Anderson said that things were “weird” between him and the nightclub owner. Despite his early reluctance, Benjamin eventually changed his mind and is today a wonderful co-parent to young Wyatt.

The former couple resided in the Greenwich Village firehouse that Anderson purchased and remodeled in 2009. According to the celebrity, Wyatt would likely refer to Benjamin as “Papa” whereas he would be called “Dad” or “Daddy” because he was French.

Anderson quipped that the businessman was speaking to the young child in his own tongue and that he might be manipulating Wyatt by not understanding what he was saying! But the journalist denied that the ex-couple might reconcile when asked if it would be possible.

In August 2020, Anderson talked to WSJ magazine about how becoming a father had made him realize how much life had changed. Despite being 53 at the time, he talked about how he felt like he was waiting for his real life to start.

The actor claimed that he had been concentrating on moving forward or telling a tale, but that concentrating on Wyatt brought order to the situation. The anchor for the news said, “It’s changed everything.”

Due to his night shift employment, Anderson used to wake up late as well, but after Wyatt’s arrival, he now wakes up at seven in the morning. Since his son’s awakening marked the highest point of his day, it was his objective to rise before him.

Benjamin [Maisani] and the infant [Sebastian Luke Maisani-Cooper], who weighed 6.8 lbs. at birth, would also share co-parenting duties.
When the young boy saw him, he delighted to see him stretch and smile. From the third floor, Anderson went to his son’s room on the fourth, where he waited for him to make noises to let the star know he was awake before entering to see how he was doing.

The TV celebrity stated to People magazine in June 2020 that he would be willing to grow his family in the future. But first, he needed time to get a better night’s sleep and clear his thoughts!

It would be wonderful, he thought, to have a brother or sister for Wyatt. Then, on “Anderson Cooper 360°,” in February 2022, Anderson revealed that he had welcomed Sebastian Luke Maisani-Cooper, his second son, via surrogacy!

Benjamin and the infant, who weighed 6.8 pounds at birth, would also share co-parenting duties. The celebrity also disclosed at that time that Wyatt’s last name would be changed to Maisani-Cooper and that his former partner was in the process of adopting the child.

But in December 2020, following Wyatt’s birth, Anderson acknowledged that he was “tired more than I’ve ever been.” He did, however, adore being a father and “wouldn’t change it for the world,” and he frequently broke down in tears when he saw his kid.


Tina thought she was living her dream when she married her high school sweetheart, Richard. But after being kicked out by her husband and raising their son on her own, she discovered how serious the consequences of our choices can be.

Tina had always dreamed of a grand traditional wedding. However, she ended up eloping with Richard at just 18, which was far from the wedding she had imagined.

Richard came from a wealthy family, and the idea of eloping didn’t seem ideal to Tina. But she was just happy to marry the man she loved. She wasn’t interested in his money—she truly loved Richard.

“Get out, Tina! If I see you here again, we’ll have a problem!”

After a few months of living together, Tina discovered she was pregnant. Even though they hadn’t talked about having kids, Tina was thrilled and eager to share the news with her husband.

Richard’s reaction was not what Tina expected. He asked, “What do you mean you’re pregnant?” clearly upset.

Tina tried to reassure him, saying, “I thought you’d be more excited. I know we didn’t plan this, but I believe you’d be a great father.”

Richard responded angrily, “Family man? The only reason we’re together is so I can get away from my own family! How could you do this to me?”

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Tina was shocked by Richard’s angry words. She wondered if he was showing his true colors but hoped he just needed more time to process the news. She convinced herself to be patient.

The next day, Richard came home drunk and suddenly kicked Tina out of their apartment.

“Get out, Tina! If I see you here again, we’ll have a problem!” he shouted.

Tina didn’t argue and left, thinking Richard would come to his senses. A few days later, when Tina tried to return to the apartment, she found that Richard had changed the locks. She called Richard’s parents, and the conversation left Tina heartbroken.

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“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Tinney. I was trying to reach Richard. We recently…” Tina began to explain, but was rudely interrupted.

“How dare you call after everything you’ve done to our Richy!” Mrs. Tinney snapped.

“Me? I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Please, let me explain…” Tina tried to respond, but was cut off again.

“We’ve heard all about it! How you cheated on him and got pregnant with another man’s child! Don’t ever call here again, or we’ll take legal action against you!” Mrs. Tinney said harshly.

At that moment, Tina realized that she and her unborn child were completely on their own.

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Years went by, and Tina worked hard to raise her son, Greg, with all the love and strength she had. Greg made it easier for her by understanding their situation and helping out. Even though Tina struggled to make ends meet, Greg’s willingness to pitch in lightened her load.

Tina was always open with Greg about what had happened between his father and her. Greg appreciated his mother’s efforts and worked alongside her to support the family. At just 15 years old, he began working as a caddy at the local golf club.

Despite starting work early, Greg never let it affect his schoolwork. Although he wasn’t the top student, his strong work ethic helped him graduate high school with honors. Using the money he saved from his job, Greg soon started his own business.

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Tina was incredibly proud of the man Greg was becoming, but she was concerned about the growing anger he seemed to have toward his estranged father.

Greg didn’t talk much about his father, but Tina could always see the anger in his eyes whenever the topic came up.

As the years went by, Greg’s business continued to thrive, and he became quite successful. By the age of 26, he was one of the most successful young people in his city and even hired his mother to work at one of their main offices.

One day, Greg decided it was time to visit his father. He had been tracking Richard’s movements for a while and was finally ready to confront him.

Greg drove up to Richard’s house with a baseball bat tightly clutched in his hand. He wasn’t sure exactly what he planned to do when he met Richard, but his anger was so intense that he was certain the bat would come into play. Whatever his intentions, they were not friendly.

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As Greg sat in his car, debating his next steps on this long journey, he saw something that shook him deeply.

Greg had never been a violent person, not as a child or as an adult. He had carried this deep scar for so long that he never imagined it could heal.

Years of pain had convinced him that Richard deserved whatever was coming to him. But when he saw his father come outside to take out the trash, looking frail and dressed in rags, Greg felt a wave of realization.

In that moment, Greg understood how far his quest for revenge had taken him. The man who had caused so much pain was now nothing more than a shadow of his former self. Greg questioned if this broken man was worth all the anger and effort he had put into seeking revenge.

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Greg noticed a “for sale” sign in Richard’s yard and decided to put the bat down and call the number on the sign. He learned that Richard was deeply in debt, and the house was being sold to cover his loans.

Feeling relieved and clear-headed, Greg left Richard’s property, realizing he had narrowly avoided making a huge mistake. He then bought the house.

A few days later, Richard went to the property agent’s office to finalize the sale, only to find Tina and Greg waiting for him.

Richard was speechless. As soon as he entered the room, Greg introduced himself and told Richard to leave the property.

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“If I see you again, we’ll have a problem!” Greg said.

Tina watched in silence as Richard left, feeling a sense of déjà vu. His departure mirrored the way he had once sent her away, and she couldn’t help but think, *What are the chances?*

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