The Corpse of Drew Barrymore’s Grandfather Was Stolen for One Last Celebration

John Barrymore came from a long line of theater actors. He himself first appeared on stage alongside his father in 1900, and in 1903 officially began his career, starring in the likes of Justice (1916) and Richard III (1920). His greatest role was his 1992 appearance in Hamlet, for which he was dubbed “the greatest living American tragedian.”

Barrymore also starred in a slew of silent films, most notably Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920), Sherlock Holmes (1922) and Beau Brummel (1924). He later made the transition to sound movies, starring in the likes of Grand Hotel (1932) and Midnight (1939).

On May 29, 1942, Barrymore died at the age of 60 from pneumonia and cirrhosis. What happened next has been the subject of many rumors. It’s alleged his friends, Errol Flynn, W.C. Fields and Sadakichi Hartmann snuck into the morgue where his body was being held, propped him up against a poker table and allowed him to experience one final celebration.

As it turns out, these rumors are true! In an August 2020 episode of the popular YouTube series Hot Ones, the acting legend’s granddaughter, Drew Barrymore, revealed his corpse had actually been stolen.

“Not only yes, but there have been cinematic interpretations of it,” she exclaimed. Those interpretations include S.O.B., starring Julie Andrews, and allegedly the 1989 comedy Weekend at Bernie’s, in which two friends pretend their deceased boss is alive.

Barrymore added that she wants the same to happen to her. “I will say this, I hope my friends do the same for me. That is the kind of spirit I can get behind. Just prop the old bag up, let’s have a few rounds.

“I think death comes with so much morose sadness and I understand that, but if it’s okay, just for me, if everybody could be really happy and celebratory and have a party, that would be my preference.”

Vintage Hollywood certainly was a different era…

Miracle after 128-hour— two-month-old baby rescued people applaud with joy

There are some happy and hopeful times in Turkey despite the tragedy and melancholy. One such instance included the discovery of a 2-month-old infant who had been buried under debris for 128 hours and was still alive. The baby, astonishingly, had not been hurt.

On social media, a video of a 2-month-old infant is gaining popularity. This baby was buried beneath the wreckage of their Hatay, Turkey, home, leaving people in awe of the wonders of nature. The infant, who was only two months old, spent 128 hours below the ground. But the infant was discovered unharmed and breathing.

the expression of desolation, hunger, thirst, and cold.Following the earthquake in Turkey, a 2-month-old infant with tearful blue-colored eyes is rescued from the wreckage of a house after 128 hours of agony while trapped beneath the debris. A miracle in the earthquake’s anguish.

— February 11, 2023, Emmanuel Fosu-Mensah (@kwasifosu25)

The baby is seen being held in a man’s arms and latching on his finger in the widely shared video on social media. Many have expressed amazement at the unexpected sight.

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