WATCH : “Sarah Sanders Playfully Roasts Gavin Newsom in Viral Video”

As Trump narrows down his choices for Vice President, one thing to keep in mind is that current Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders was a terrific press secretary for the Trump Administration and that she is on the same waveIength as former President Trump when it comes to mocking enemies, as she managed to hilariously troll California Governor Gavin Newsom over the summer, mocking the state of his state after he attempted to bash red states.

The incident, which occurred over the summer of 2023, came after Greasy Gavin released a video in which he claimed that red states are worse than blue states, primariIy pointing to cri me statistics while ignoring that the high crime to which he is referring occurs in blue cities, not the red countryside.

Attacking Gov. Abbott of Texas, for example, Gavin claimed that Abbott has “One of the worst cri me and mur der rates in America and one of the worst mental health records of any governor in America? I’m not so convinced about the merits of his leadership.” Continuing, Newsom said, “Eight of the top 10 mur der states are Republican states.

Seven of the top 10 dependent states … are red states. He then added, “The life expectancy in the South, and they’re not expanding Medicaid and prenataI care and providing child care? It’s jaw-dropping.”

He then accused Republicans of not caring about “life” and “banning books,” saying, “Infant mortaIity? You care about life, and you look at life expectancy? You care about life, and you’re getting kids that are gunned down by weapons of w ar? Spare me. All in the name of freedom, as you’re banning books?” ConcIuding the video, Newsom said, “With all due respect, we should not be on the defensive as the Democratic Party. The Republican Party should be on their heels, not us,”

Responding to Governor Newsom’s claims, Gov. Sanders released a video of her own in which she ripped into how Newsom has managed California and trolled him with some humor in the video, doing a great job of dismantling his claim that California is better run than red states.

The video Sanders posted to X kicked off with Newsom saying, “We should not be on the defense as a Democratic Party. The Republican Party should be on their heels.” It then pans to a clip of Gov.
Sanders strutting in heels while a report about half a million people fleeing California over the past two years alone dominates the screen. Arkansas was one of the top five states to which people moved.

The clip, just 27 seconds but full of fun at Greasy Gavin’s expense, then cuts to information about how Gov. Sanders managed to lower the unempIoyment rate in Arkansas, slash taxes in the state, and raise salaries for public teachers in the state, all while “in heels.”

15 Times People Got the Best When They Least Expected It

Sometimes life spoils us with a fantastic gift without giving us any hints beforehand. Some people think these unexpected events are just lucky coincidences, while others believe that the universe has waited for the right time to reward us for a good deed we’ve done in the past. Either way, it is always a blessing to get a pleasant surprise to brighten an ordinary day and add sparkles of wonder to our eyes.

Bright Side believes that days can be so exciting because a life-changing event can happen at any moment. Here are some unbelievably cool situations that were caught on camera.

1. ’’I met Jim Carrey! I never thought he’d be cool with making faces with me, but he was totally down.’’

2. ’’The hairiest, most goofy-looking llama I saw in all of Peru’’

3. ’’I did an art exchange. I made some paper art and he made me a puppet of myself! Best deal ever.’’

4. ’’My son smiled sweetly at the barista and got this hot chocolate in return.’’

5. ’’My brother drove 9 hours overnight to surprise my mom with her niece.’’

6. ’’My new security camera surprised me with a beautiful photo of a flying bird.’’

7. ’’I was looking in my mom’s college yearbook and came across a familiar face.’’

8. ’’I sent my girlfriend a postcard a few months ago. Today, she gave me a new pair of shoes.’’

9. ’’My father found my baby blanket and gave it to me for Christmas.’’

10. ’’25 years later I discovered I’m in the Notre Dame Hall of Fame because I photobombed the photo.’’

11. ’’I got lucky to get this crazy long mutant Dorito.’’

12. ’’Do you know the feeling you get when the middle seat is open next to you on a flight? I can beat that.’’

13. ’’I found this while cleaning out my grandma’s house.’’

14. ’’So I came across this guy at my sister’s graduation: Professor Sir Patrick Stewart.’’

15. ’’Since I was a kid, my mom collected everything she found in my pocket and put it in this lamp. It was her surprise for my wedding.’’

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