What Might Happen to Your Body If You Drink Too Much Coffee

Whether you’re sipping a hot cappuccino on your way to work or indulging in a sweet latte after a big presentation, it’s hard to imagine a day without coffee. And because it helps you regain energy in no time, many of us can’t resist the temptation to drink several cups to refuel and keep ourselves going throughout the day.

We at Bright Side also can’t stand the thought of facing the day without a hot cup of Java. And we decided to find out how drinking too much coffee may affect you.

1. It might be visible on your nails.

In addition to making you feel jittery, drinking too much coffee might interfere with your iron absorption and cause anemia. This pretty common condition affects the amount of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen to your body’s tissues and makes you feel weak and tired. Apart from low energy, anemia might affect the appearance of your nails, causing your fingernail moons to become less visible or even disappear.

2. It may upset your stomach.

If you ever felt that drinking too many cups of coffee makes you go to the bathroom more often, there’s actually a scientific explanation to that. Because coffee is acidic, it irritates your stomach lining and causes cramping, which in turn may lead to diarrhea. You might experience these unpleasant consequences even if you drink decaf, so it’s better to watch your caffeine intake and opt for less acidic varieties, such as French roast or espresso.

3. It might give you headaches.

Although many people hope that a hot cup of Java will make an annoying headache go away, it might actually make it worse. Caffeine causes you to urinate more often, which slightly dehydrates your body and may cause headaches. Although about four cups of brewed coffee a day is considered a safe amount of caffeine for healthy people, in reality most of us can tolerate far less, and having too much caffeine can give you painful migraines.

4. It may cause your skin to age faster.

While coffee is rich in antioxidants that protect your skin from harmful free radicals, drinking too much of it can reduce collagen in your cells. Because collagen is vital for achieving a plump and youthful complexion, consuming too much caffeine can cause your skin to become less elastic and more vulnerable to fine lines and wrinkles.

Can you start your day without coffee? How do you feel when you drink too much of it?

Preview photo credit Kommissar / Wikimedia CommonsCC0 1.0

Wealthy Man Discovers His Sole Daughter Resides in a Dilapidated Trailer with Twins

A millionaire is stunned when he finds out that his only daughter is living an impoverished life with her twin babies in an old trailer, and he rushes to her aid, unaware his life will never be the same after that day.

As Ben Doyle sliced the steak on his plate and took the first bite of the tender meat, a clinking sound broke the pin-drop silence in his gigantic mansion. He picked up the TV remote and tuned in to the state news channel, as he always did.

Every evening, Ben ate dinner alone while he watched the news because he didn’t have a family. His ex-wife, Cindy, had left him years ago and taken their only daughter, Leah, with her because he was a nobody back then.

At the time, Ben was working odd jobs and trying to start his own business, but all of his endeavors were failing. Cindy wanted a good life and was done with him and his struggles, so she divorced him and married a rich man.

Ben’s finances were not stable, and he couldn’t win Leah’s custody, but he loved her and sent her gifts on her birthday every year.

Years later, when Cindy’s husband received a work transfer and the couple relocated to a different state, Ben lost touch with Leah. He tried calling Cindy to find out where she was, but Cindy didn’t return his calls or texts and even forbade Leah to have any sort of communication with him whatsoever.

All alone and with nobody to love him, Ben’s only focus became his work. He worked day and night until he became a millionaire. But though he had money, fame, and a comfortable lifestyle, Ben didn’t see the point in all of it when he didn’t have people to love him.

He arrived home every evening and there was no one to welcome him. He ate dinner alone while watching TV, then went to bed, woke up the next morning, and returned to work. This was not how he had imagined his life to be…

That day, while Ben was watching TV, the news channel was running a report on women empowerment. The reporter had interviewed women from different strata, including the underprivileged, and Ben was not interested in watching any of it.

“Is that all they got to show us now? Don’t they have something better to report?” he grumbled as he picked up the remote to change the channel. But then he stopped.

He stopped because he couldn’t believe his eyes and the fact that the reporter’s next interviewee was his daughter.

“Good Lord? Leah?” Ben’s eyes teared as he watched the report, which mentioned his daughter was living in an old trailer with her twin babies.

Family is the biggest strength.

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